As summer is winding down and we’re all dreading trading those bikinis in for books, I figured I’d compose a little piece to get us more optimistic about returning to campus. It could always be worse, so here’s 10 things to remember to take advantage of while still in college.
1. You don’t have to cook.
Most of you have a meal plan and can enjoy (or try to enjoy) the luxury of eating at the dining hall. I call it a luxury because once you live on your own, sometimes you debate dying of starvation over cooking, and then you’re like “can I go back to eating cardboard french fries, unlimited salad, and sub-par pizza?” No. No, you cannot.
2. Your weekends are free.
LUCKY YOU! As some of us graduate, we will be forced to face the harsh reality that some of our career paths will require us to work weekend hours. Great. So take this time to enjoy sleeping in until 2 in the afternoon and partying until you throw up.
3. You can travel virtually anywhere.
Ever heard of studying abroad? Well, that’s your ticket to that dream vacation you’ve been planning since you were six. The majority of the travel plans and bookings are taken care of for you, and for some students, the cost is actually cheaper than standard tuition (and remember, you’re still earning credits toward your degree). Not only are there study abroad programs, but there’s also internships and volunteer opportunities available in pretty much any country you would want to visit. Still not sold? Worried about the cost? Take advantage of financial aid/scholarship packages! There’s often many specifically for students studying or traveling abroad.
4. Free gym membership(s).
Okay, so maybe it isn’t “free”, but it is included in your tuition! Don’t be afraid to USE it, people! You can always find slower times, so grab a gym buddy and get that adrenaline pumping, because in the working world, gym memberships can be pretty pricey.
5. It isn’t far to get where you’re going.
You woke up ten minutes before class. It’s cool. You can just roll out of bed and sprint to class. You’ll make it today, but good luck making it two years from now when you’re running to your car with your heels in your hand, and cussing at people in traffic. And the free college buses don’t seem so bad now, do they?
6. Free booze!
Sure, those frat house basements can be gross, but at least you don’t have to pay a cover or $10 for a cocktail. So sip your free alcohol, always watch boys make your drink, never leave it unattended, and stop complaining about the Smirnoff you have to drink.
7. You get to make your own schedule.
Have fun letting your job dictate the rest of your life, and your hours. At least there’s some wiggle room on campus and you can personalize your schedule to your own needs.
8. There’s no dress code.
Okay, so you can’t go streaking through the quad, but girl, you rock those sweats to your 9 a.m. because in no time, a lot of us will be stuck in dresses, heels, and button downs for the rest of our careers.
9. You get to see your friends all the time.
Between having classes with your bestie, being close with your roommate, or being a part of greek life, there’s always a familiar face around campus and a friend to pig out and watch Netflix with on those rainy nights. Working 40 hours a week and juggling a family makes it a challenge to squeeze in one girls/guys night a year. Okay, that was dramatic…but it certainly feels like it.
10. Free stuff, everywhere.
Tissues, hand sanitizer, chap stick, and most importantly condoms. Enjoy it while you can, because your boss certainly won’t hand those out. You can also find free activities to participate around campus year round. So go stuff handfuls of free merchandise in your backpacks and take a nap.
See? In a few short weeks, we will be back on campus with all of this fabulous hustle and bustle around us, and the weather will get colder, and another year will pass. Look at all of the fun things we have to look forward to once we graduate. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the next four crazy years that you have to live in a box sized room that we call college!