We've all been there; thinking you have everything together and ready to start the next chapter in your life, and then it gets here. You realize quickly that you have no money, no time, and no sleep. Here's some things that you will realize extremely quick once you get here:
1. You will never get a full eight hours of sleep again.
2. A "real" meal, not Chef Boyardee or goldfish, is rare and a blessing
3. You don't have to dress up or get ready for class
4. You have a class with them and you don't actually know their name
5. You're in a constant state of stress, even when you think there's nothing due
6. Your professors don't care if you didn't copy all the notes on the slide before they move on to the next one
7. All you can think about is when you can take another nap
8. You think everything is cheap until you're the one buying it
9. You have to make time for a social life, school, new friends, and a whole new life; all within your first week
10. You realize that no matter how bad you miss home, even though it's a lot, this is your new life and your new adventures