I've been a book nerd my whole life.
It all started back when I was in elementary school. I used to read at recess, during class, in the lunchroom and anywhere else I thought I could get away with it.
In the seventh grade, I was put into an elective class made up of ten students who checked out the most books from the school. They basically let us sit in the library for a period every day and read. As far as I was concerned, it was heaven on earth.
A few years later, I started a a book blog on Tumblr and I've made a lot of great friends who I can text in all caps to scream about the characters I love.
My love for reading has never gone away. Books have always offered an escape from whatever fresh batch of steaming crap the world decided to lay at my feet each day. And I've realized over the years that there are certain situations I think all readers can relate to:
1. Being able to read just about anywhere
I used to read in the back of my parents' car by the light of the moon. No wonder I'm half blind at 17, right? I could — and still can — read in a room full of people talking, or while someone's playing loud music. As long as I have a good book, I can usually block everything else out.
2. Switching reading positions constantly
I've read on my stomach, back and side. I've read while sitting, standing, walking, talking, eating, brushing my teeth and even while showering (here's how to do it if you think I'm crazy). Sometimes if you're in the same position for too long, your arms get sore, your hands start to fall asleep or your back gets achy, so we readers are always shifting around looking for that perfect reading pose.
3. Getting crazy about your books
I actually have a list of people who I loan my books to. I make them swear not to fold the pages, spill anything on them, write in them or otherwise do anything to ruin my perfect books. It makes me sound like a psychopath, but seriously. Don't. Touch. My. Books.
4. Freaking out over a plot twist
I have experienced emotional trauma at the hands of too many books to count. Whether it's a character I love dying — which happens way too often I might add — or some kind of reveal that has me picking up my jaw from off the floor, plot twists can either feel like a personal attack or make you want to scream for joy (and sometimes both at the same time).
5. Staying up way too late to finish "just one more chapter"
I'm a student, so I don't get that much sleep anyway, but the number of hours I have stayed up reading instead of getting some much needed rest is easily in the hundreds. And it's all fun and games until the alarm rings in the morning.
6. Falling in love with fictional characters
This is a big one. We've all had those moments where your brain screams "AWWW, OH MY GOD!" and you start to question the choices that led you to living a life ruled by adorable book characters.
7. Getting way too emotionally invested
I cried for seven hours after finishing Cassandra Clare's "Clockwork Princess." And when I read "Dreams of Gods and Monsters" by Laini Taylor, I ended up crying my eyes out at two o'clock in the morning. The spoiler-free reason? One of the characters sang.
8. That feeling after going to the bookstore
I'm usually pretty careful with my spending but the bookstore is a free-for-all. It's every nerd for themselves and all logical thinking (like "you should save your money for college so you don't end up with six digit student loan debt") goes out the window.
9. When you find out how long you have to wait for a sequel
10. Hearing someone say "I hate reading"
There are no words. That's my exact facial expression.“I owe everything I am and everything I will ever be to books.”
- Gary Paulson, Shelf Life: Stories by the Book