Psychology is a beautiful thing to study. Being able to help people the way psychology majors go on to do is such a rewarding work. Though we're very confident in our field, we tend to have some...well..interesting feedback. Psychology majors know these things and common responses way too well..
1. Freud and Freud jokes.
2. Stop reading me/Stop trying to read my mind
3. So you want to just listen to people talk all the time? Like a therapist?
Yes, because that's the only thing I can do with my degree.
4. So one day you'll fix our whole family! You'll never go out of business!
5. When someone says: "That's such a basic major, you're such a white girl." And your face is just like...
6. You'll never make any money unless you go to grad school
7. You watch movies, especially scary movies about murder, and wonder "What made them do that..?'
Instead of the normal "OH MY GOSH HE'S CRAZY."
8. A Beautiful Mind is one of the BEST movies, like ever..
and 50 first dates is low-key one of your faves too.
9. Finding out you have to write a paper..because..APA...UGH.
10. "What are you studying?"
"Oh really? Read my mind then.."
But at the end of the day, you know your major is amazing, and that one day you'll be making a difference, in whatever way you choose. In the end, all these comments are totally worth it.