10 Things Pittsburghers Know All Too Well | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things Pittsburghers Know All Too Well

Whether you're an ex-resident of the 'Burgh or you're still here.

10 Things Pittsburghers Know All Too Well
Just Rent To Town

I love living in Pittsburgh. If I didn't I would have chosen to go to school here. Pittsburgh has a lot of traits that makes it one of the most interesting cities in America. Listed below are a few things that make the 'Burgh the best!

1. The cold weather and wind

Cold weather isn't that bad and neither is wind, but once you put them together you have a match made in hell. A simple walk to class becomes a living nightmare and bundling up just simply isn't enough to stop the 5 degrees weather with a windchill of -12 degrees from reaching your soul. A thought of "I may never be warm ever again" may surely arise.

2. The traffic

Whether you're going in to the city or out, chances are you will be stuck in traffic for at least an hour, especially if it's between the hours of 8 and 10 a.m. or 5 and 7 p.m. Godspeed to you in your travels.

3. Sports teams

If you don't support the Pittsburgh teams, what are you even doing here? It is impossible to live here without knowing a good amount about each team. I don't know a thing about baseball, but you bet I know what Buctober is.

4. Primanti Bros

Home of the sandwich here in the 'Burgh. Primanti's was founded in 1933. They are known for their signature sandwiches consisting of meat, coleslaw, sliced tomato and french fries between Italian bread.

5. Heinz

Heinz is the only ketchup in Pittsburgh. Why one would buy anything else is beyond me.

6. Things are pronounced differently

Duquense= Du-cane



7. Eat n' Park

Home of the smiley cookie. It's not a very good cookie; however, it smiles back at you, so there's that. It's a sad thought that these cookies are only available in Pittsburgh, but that's life.

8. The Strip District

A great place shopping on the weekend with lots of vendors and home of the Primanti's sandwich.

9. The sun doesn't shine

I love when it's overcast outside. An old roommate of mine once said in November, "Get used to it, because the sun won't be back until March." She was right. From November to March the sun rarely comes out. It's either snowing or looks like it's going to snow.

10. Bridge City

Pittsburgh has 446 bridges total. It's no wonder that Pittsburgh is "The City of Bridges." Allegheny County is the largest owner of bridges in the country.

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