10 Things Philmont Staff Know To Be True
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10 Things Philmont Staff Know To Be True

No experience is like working at Philmont Scout Ranch

10 Things Philmont Staff Know To Be True
Caitlin Herrera (me)

As summer begins, many students around the country are thinking about how soon it is until they get to go home to their families, or until their summer internship starts, whether it be in their hometown or college town or anywhere in the world. However, a select few of students are sitting on their bedroom floors, staring at the collection of hiking gear laid out before them, counting down the days until they get to return to Philmont Scout Ranch, the true place that they call HOmE (aka Heaven On Earth).

Philmont staffers are a special breed of person, the kind that loves dirt and sunshine and caring everything they need to survive on their back. Thus, as we count down the days till we get to return to that beautiful Northern New Mexico backpacker's wonderland, these are a few things that only we Philmont staffers know to be true.

1. Living in a tent for an entire summer is a perfectly normal and comfortable thing to do.

I'll admit that when I first came to Philmont, the idea of sleeping in a dorm room-sized tent all summer intimidated me. However, you grow to love living in those tents. Even when you wake up early because the sun makes it too hot inside, or the wind is so heavy that the walls shake while you try to sleep, those tents are home.

2. Living in the backcountry without electricity or cell service is also a perfectly normal and comfortable thing to do.

For backcountry staff, the small commodities of base camp, like decent cell service, and WiFi at the SSAC are non-existent, and they love every minute of it. There's nothing more perfect than being able to be completely one with nature, and to learn how to be content with the little things in life. Plus, you get to cook all their own food, and you get to bond with five or six other people at your camp. It's honestly the best living situation imaginable.

3. Collared greens are the way to go.

When you leave to go back to real life at the end of the summer, if you're anything like me then you probably miss wearing the Philmont staff uniform every day. They're comfortable, you can hike in them, and it's nice not having to choose your outfit everyday. There have definitely been times where I've been tempted to wear my staff shirt to class, because I miss repping the place I love everyday.

4. Socks and sandals are 100 percent acceptable footwear.

This is an actual picture of what I wore basically every day of the summer that I wasn't hiking. And if you're anything like me, you'll start to wear this combination back at schoo,l too. But, hey, why not? It's comfy, it's somewhat stylish, and it's also super functional.

5. No mountain will be as iconic in your eyes as the Tooth of Time.

Whether waking up to this view every morning in base camp, or seeing it welcoming you as you hike in, the Tooth of Time will always hold a special place in the hearts of all Phil-Staff. And every summer, as you make the drive from Raton to Cimmaron, the tiny image of the tooth becoming clearer and clearer by the second is the most welcoming sight in the world.

6. No other place could ever provide as many amazing hiking and backpacking opportunities.

There are tons of trails and land on Philmont property that are open to staff on off days. So, if you're an avid backpacker or hiker, then it's literally your heaven on earth. Nothing can beat the amazing terrain that Philmont offers, and nothing is more rewarding than arriving at a backcountry camp after a long days hike where other staff members are there to welcome you.

7. No other place could every have as amazing of sunsets or sunrises.

Something about those beautiful New Mexico skies causes the sunsets and sunrises at Philmont to be incomparable. Whether you hike to Urraca and checkout the sunrise form inspiration point, or you just wake up early enough or stay up late enough to view it from wherever else you are on the ranch, nothing can ever beat the view of a Philmont sunset/sunrise.

8. Philmont friends are forever friends.

Everyone who knows me knows that I met my best friend at Philmont. And literally everybody who I know who has worked at Philmont has met friends that they expect to have for a lifetime. Whether it be with your roommate, your fellow camp staff, or someone you randomly met at the SSAC, experiences you have at Philmont are so extraordinary that they cause everlasting bonds.

9. It's hard to leave and go back to normal life.

It might be hard to tell, but this is a picture of a family of baby deer that I took while going for a walk around tent city last summer. There are very few places on earth where baby deer and their mothers feel comfortable enough to just hang around a place where a lot of of humans live. But that's Philmont for you. Deer, bears, chipmunks (aka mini bears), and any kind of animal that you can imagine live in harmony with people. Where else on earth can you find that?

10. Philmont will always hold a special place in your heart.

Everyone and anyone who has ever worked at Philmont will always tell you that they want to go back. Philmont is by far one of the most beautiful and magical places in the world. It creates a sense of community among those who have worked or gone on trek there. No matter where you are in the country or the world you will find someone who has had an experience at Philmont, and that connection is worth everything.

So to everyone gearing up to head to Philmont this summer, whether this is your first summer, your second, or even your fifth, here's to the best summer of your life. I'm counting down the days till we are all back HOmE.

(All photos are mine.)

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