1) "Can I have your meds?"
NO! You can not have my Focalin. I need it to actually function, while you need it to party. It actually helps me work like a normal person.
2) Can you stop shaking your legs?
I can not stop, it just keeps moving. Deal with it!
3) I am pretty sure I have a little bit of ADD
Everyone gets a little distracted every now and then but that’s what makes you human.
4) Hey can you do me a few favors?
Of course, But please write them down. I will forget them before you are even done talking
5) It’s not fair you have extra time for your tests!
Yes it is! You try to get a 50 question test done in an hour while you are also thinking about why the sky is blue.
6) How does your mind work?
So, I start of thinking about dogs. Then I get reminded of my friends dog. Then I think about my friend. Then I think about when I met my friend. Then I think about kindergarten. Then I see a squirrel.
7) Why do you have so many notes in your phone?
Because, I need them to remember life… don’t judge me.
8) You seem so out of it. Are you okay?
No. I took my medication.
9) Hey… Did you remember to take your medication today?
The answer is always no… I have an alarm labeled TIME FOR PILLS that I always ignore even though I shouldn't.
10) Are you sure I can’t have just one of your pills? You have so many.
NO! I am sure! I only have enough to last me the month. Stop asking!