There are some things you simply shouldn’t risk saying to someone with curly hair…
1. “Your hair looks so good straight!"
Oh, really? Did it look bad before?
2. “What do you mean you never brush your hair?”
What’s a hairbrush? Unless you want my hair to look like a lion’s mane, then no, I don't brush my hair.
3. “I wish I had hair like yours."
If you knew how long it took to get it to look like this, you wouldn’t want it anymore. Your hair is beautiful; don’t take it for granted.
4. “Why don’t you like people playing with your hair?"
I love it, but if you play with it, it’ll look like bird’s nest after. We don’t want that, do we?
5. “Your hair looks like {insert name of random celebrity: i.e. Taylor Swift pre-____ days, etc}.”
Aca-scuse me, but not all curly hair was created equally.
6. “How did you wake up with your hair like that?"
The answer: I didn’t. This baby doesn’t do itself.
7. “Have you ever thought about cutting your hair?”
All the time, but my only options are to cut and fro and completely shave it.
8. “You have so much hair!”
Really? Because I shed like a dog.
9. “Have you ever thought about doing anything with your hair?"
I have no control over it.
10. “Isn’t the humidity bad for curly hair?"
Sometimes you can’t tame the mane.
Embrace those gorgeous curls, ladies and gents.