I didn’t always need to wear glasses. In fact, I had always prided myself on the fact that I had extremely good eyesight—despite both my parents growing up with glasses. But, as I started getting a bit older, spent more time in front of bright screens, the white board in school started to become a tad harder to read. I finally took the plunge and got my eyes checked out by an optometrist. And just like that, I was being written a prescription for glasses. Only a few short years of wearing them, and I can confidently say that life was a bit easier without them (minus the being able to see part). Anyone else who wears glasses/ has poor eyesight may be able to relate to these few things:
1.Not being sure if you know the person waving to you.
I tend to only wear my glasses when I need to. And that often does not include walking to class. If you’re waving at me, and I don’t wave back, please know it's because I am blind.
2 .Hot drinks are a struggle.![]()
Sometimes, all I want is to enjoy a hot cup of tea
with a good book. This proves to be a bit harder than you would think thanks to
condensation. 3.The squint.
Forget your glasses during class? I’m sure you’re familiar with this signature look.
4 .People asking to try on your glasses.
“Woah! You’re blind!”
5.When they get dirty and you can see better with them off.
And then once you finally clean them again, the world becomes a new place.
6.“Is one clearer? Or two?”
“One… wait no. Two. Wait, can you go back to one? No , no, no… definitely two. Wait.. OK yes two.”
7. Accidentally touching the lenses.![]()
And right after you just cleaned them too.
8.Opening the case only to find no glasses.
You really thought you had your life together and remembered to put them back where they belong. But nope! Not today, good luck finding them again. (And may I suggest checking on your face?)
9.When you haven’t worn them in a while and put them back on.
You thought you were getting used to the world around you without wearing them. But they second you put them on, it’s like the transformation scene from "The Wizard of Oz".
10. Napping is a struggle.
You risk either breaking, losing, or scratching your glasses. And you’re honestly just really tired and you don’t need this extra stress in your life.
Life can be rough when you're not 20/20, but thankfully we have our glasses in our lives. And if someone tells you you look better when you're not wearing your glasses, tell them they also look better when you're not wearing them.