With all of the constant chatter about anxiety, it’s time to straighten things up. I’m tired of the stigma and deception behind them. So, here’s a list of ten things that people don’t seem to understand about anxiety disorders. Become aware and let’s talk about it more.
1. It’s not just panic attacks and anxiety.
Anxiety disorders are so much more complex than what they are known for. Sure, panic attacks and anxious thoughts are experienced by most people with these disorders. However, let’s not forget about the things people don’t necessarily think of when anxiety disorders are brought up. This includes bursts of rage and irritability, muscle tension, fatigue, insomnia, digestive issues and so much more.
2. Anxiety disorders are really that serious.
While other anxiety disorders are more serious than others, the constant worry can pose the person to certain health risks. Constant anxiety can cause the person’s immune system to weaken, making them more susceptible to illness and disease. Anxiety disorders are also most commonly linked to digestive/ gastrointestinal disorders, such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Not to mention, insomnia is a very common symptom that follows anxiety disorders. In terms of specific disorders, people with Panic disorder might find themselves avoiding the outside world due to the fear of having a panic attack, causing them to become agoraphobic.
3. People with an anxiety disorder are NOT weak.
As a person with Generalized Anxiety Disorder, I have experienced my own weakness. However, I have worked through it and become stronger in the end. No, we are not weak. No matter how weak we feel, that does not give anyone a right to consider us as weak individuals. People with anxiety disorders are just wired differently and are more susceptible to posing threats in their environment. Please don’t call us weak.
4. We are not able to ‘calm down’ or just ‘shut it off.’
I really wish I could! There have been so many times where I’m having an anxiety attack and trying to ‘shut it off’, but it’s impossible. I feel like I’m going crazy sometimes. It just takes some time and patience. I’m sorry that my anxiety is an inconvenience for you, but I cannot calm down or just shut it off. Sorry, it doesn’t work that way.
5. Not everyone has an anxiety disorder just because they get nervous and have anxiety.
Let me shout it from the back. Just because someone has anxiety, does not mean they have an anxiety disorder. The two are different from each other, in fact. It all depends on how irrational it is and the frequency of it. You might get anxious before a test. Everyone does. That’s the normal body’s response to stress. Stress and anxiety (to a degree) are healthy for a normal human body. Remember learning about the fight or flight response? There you go! However, if you have to pray every time you start your car, because you fear the car might not start or explode (me, personally), then you might need to see a doctor. Anxiety disorders are when a person has irrational fears of things, people, places, etc. Their anxiety could be anything or could be something specific.
6.You can’t always tell who has an anxiety disorder.
Just like other mental disorders, anxiety can be hidden, depending on the person. You can’t always tell who is really suffering from an anxiety disorder. People can keep things well hidden.
7.Social anxiety is NOT being shy or introverted.
Social anxiety is literally having the fear of being around larger groups of people, in public, fear of social situations, etc. People who are shy can have social anxiety, but the two are not synonymous. Once again, it depends on the irrationality and the frequency of it.
8. Phobias are considered an anxiety disorder.
If you have an illogical fear tied to something (spiders, heights, etc.), that can be considered an anxiety disorder. Sure, I don’t like spiders. However, I don’t scream, cry, and have a panic attack at the sight of one. If a fear is causing you enough stress to disrupt your life, that’s when you need to talk to a doctor.
9. Anxiety disorder’s physical symptoms are just as bad as the psychological ones.
The physical symptoms of anxiety can be everything from your heart beating rapidly, a sensation of choking, chest pains and so much more. The physical symptoms are just as terrifying as the psychological ones.
10. Everyday anxiety can develop into a full blown anxiety disorder.
Be aware of your feelings and thoughts. Always talk to a doctor if you sense something is wrong. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness that people can experience, so please speak out about the issues you might be having.
Just a side note:
This is not a message to devalue your mental illness, but to become aware of the stigma and deception that many people know of. People need to know the reality of mental illness. Everyone needs to realize that it’s common and it’s okay to speak up about it. You are not alone in this battle. Millions of others struggle with the same things you are going through every single day. I hope this has helped at least one person. Maybe this has helped you become aware that your anxiety is irrational and that you must see a doctor. Maybe it even makes you understand what a loved one is going through.
This post is dedicated to Taylor Morgan Spires (March 4th, 1997- January 13th, 2016). She suffered from anxiety and depression. She was an outstanding individual, that is surely missed. Her final message for us is to remember that we need to #LoveEverybody. Morgan showed her love to her faith, family, and friends. This is for you, baby girl. We miss and love you so much.