The experience of growing up in a tiny town in Vermont is like no other. Of course, like any other place, there are pros and there are cons. For the most part, I think growing up in a small town teaches kids more about what the world is like. We've seen poverty, support, and way too many farms. After growing up in a small town, it is very common to attend a college that is bigger than the population of your hometown. I have heard a lot of remarks about small towns and often times, I find myself thinking: If I had a dollar for every time I heard somebody say...
1. Where is that?
Wait, where?
2. Where is that in relation to the closest city?
Hmmm, major city near me? I guess Boston.
3. Is that a part of Canada?
4. Did you know everyone in your graduating class?
Not only did I know everyone in my class, I knew everyone in my high school. Better yet, I probably knew 90 percent of my town.
5. What did you do for fun?
6. How far did you have to go to watch a movie in theaters?
The same distance I had to go to see a stop light—17 miles.
7. Yeah, I'm never going to understand your directions, am I?
Nope. Not one bit.
8. How do you say the name of your town again?
Let me break it down for you.
9. Did you play every sport in high school?
If I didn't, my high school probably wouldn't have had enough people for a team. It did have its perks though. I made it into the local newspaper practically every game.
10. What was your prom like?
I can guarantee it was nothing like yours.
...I'd be able to afford to move out of my tiny town.