Today, there is a growing number of women who don't have kids and in that group of women are those who CHOOSE not to have them. In 2014, 47.6 percent of women between the ages of 15 and 44 had never had children, which was the highest percentage of childless women since 1976, according to the U.S. Census Bureau’s Current Population Survey.
Having kids is a big step and many women (including me, to be quite honest) are starting to realize that that's not a step that they can/are willing to take. Even so, women are still equated to children and motherhood and when people find out that we don't want to hear the pitter patter of little feet running around the house, they say some really rude and really dumb things.
1. "You'll change your mind when you get older."
So apparently you can see into the future and know if I'll really have kids or not? No. You can't. No one knows if I'll really change my mind, except me. Also when people say this, it means that they think that young adults can't really make life altering decisions so soon. We can join the military, buy cigarettes and are expected to know what we want to do for the rest of our lives, but when it comes to not wanting kids, we need more time to think? It's going to take a lot more than time to convince me that I want to bring another life into this world.
2. "It'll be hard for you to find someone with that attitude."
First of all, I'd rather be single then compromise my overall happiness for someone else. Second of all, there are plenty of other people that share the same wants (or lack there of) as me. I'm pretty sure I'll find a someone and be happy and childless with them.
3. "How can you be so selfish?"
In general, women are mostly thought to be selfless beings. Giving up their freedom to bare and raise children is just one of the things that we as woman are expected to want to do. But is that all I, as a woman, can do to be a good person? Can't I give blood, give all my money to charity, work in a field that ensures the safety of the people who need it most. Do I have to give up my freedom to be considered a good person?
4. "Don't you want to give your parents grandchildren?"
My mom has seven grandchildren. She doesn't need any from me. It's totally normal to want to make your parents happy. They raised me and gave up a lot to make sure you were happy and well, but this is your life. You don't really owe them anything. You're the one that still has to raise the child at the end of the day and if that's something that you don't want to do, then they'll just have to live with it.
5. "You'll think differently once you have them."
No I won't...because I won't have kids. That's the point of not wanting them in the first place, am I right?
6. "So you hate kids?"
Not wanting kids and hating kids are two different things. I could be a teacher and be around kids all day everyday and love it and I still wouldn't want any of my own. But if I did hate kids, it wouldn't matter because I'm not having any, anyway.
7. "Who's going to take care of you when you get older?"
If I were to bring a child into this world, it'd be because I wanted to bring up an amazing human being that lived for themselves; not to have security in my later years. But, if the whole reason you want/have kids is to have someone to feed you and change your diaper when you're old and grey, wouldn't that make you the selfish one?
8. "You'll regret it."
Once again, are you a psychic? No. If I've gone most of my life without wanting children and still don't want them by the time my "biological clock" has run out, then it's pretty clear that I wont regret it. If I told you that you'd regret having kids, that would be rude, right? Same thing applies.
9. "But being a mother is the best thing a woman can be!"
OK. One, that's sexist. Are you saying that a woman only really has worth when they have kids? So when women do other important things like teach the next generation or help find cures for diseases, that doesn't mean anything if they don't have children waiting for them when they get home? Second, A lot of people just aren't cut out to be mothers and there are literally better things that she can be than be mother.
10. "Why?"
Because I just don't.
There are many reasons why some women don't want kids. Money, career, lack of patience needed to raise a child, or they just don't want them. Whatever reason they have for staying childless is valid. Maybe one day I'll have a child. Maybe not. But whether I decide to have one or not is my decision and I don't have to convince anyone that it's the right choice for me. Only I know that, and that's all that matters. If you have children because you wanted them or want to be a mother in the future, that's OK. I'm glad for you, but don't expect every other woman to have the same ideas as you. It'll save you a lot of confusion in the end.