1. Learning to accept defeat when it comes to Humidity
As for people with naturally curly hair, humidity will never occur in our favor. Unless of course you love the appearance of frizzy, un-kept, and tangled looking hair. You can also forget about straightening your hair if there is even the slightest bit or moisture in the air. Doing so would result in a wasted 1-3 hours of your morning, depending on the length and thickness of your hair.
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2. You have gone through the dreaded heat-damage stage of your life.
Every single person with naturally curly hair has gone through it at some point in their lives. This also includes straightening and/or curling small fragments such as your bangs. For some, this stage doesn't last more than a few years after they realize how dry and damaged their hair is beginning to look. For others, this stage in their lives never truly ends. You often find yourself envying the perfect curls some girls can do with a curling iron or wand or the sleek and shiny looking up-dos that girls with straight hair can effortlessly achieve. The countless compliments and appraisal you receive from everyone every time you straighten your hair doesn't help this process of acceptance either. We can all also relate to the countless trips to the hair salon where you ask your stylist for a trim and they end up having to cut off WAY more than you ever anticipated due to the numerous fried and split-ends caused by heat damage. Not to mention the ruined locks of hair that no longer curl at all anymore due to the over-straightening of your hair. No matter how many globs of heat protectant you use, your naturally curly hair simply can't be straightened very often if we want to pursue long, strong, and healthy looking hair.
3. Rain occurring only on the days you have straightened your hair.
This has to be legitimate phenomenon ladies. How many times have you spent countless hours straightening your hair in the morning, only to step outside and find yourself drenched. Looks like its back to square one!
4. The countless money you spend on products in attempt to eliminate frizziness
Curly hair is very delicate and individualized. A hair product that works for one person may not work at all for the next. Some people have to go through dozens of anti-frizz products and hair sprays that keep their hair looking fresh and healthy. Too much moisture and your hair looks greasy; too little and your hair looks dry and fried. Believe me when I say that this balance is VERY hard to achieve. Not to mention that your hair is completely and 100% unpredictable. Every day you wake up not knowing what you are going to have to deal with. Some days your hair curls a lot better than it does other days.
5. You never feel like your hair is long enough.
You feel this way especially when you are addicted to straightening it. Leaving it naturally curly makes you feel a bit self-conscious about it's length, especially when you're used to how long it looks and feels straight. Keep in mind that in general, it does not grow nearly as fast as straight hair. In fact, it doesn't grow at ALL if you heat-damage it often.
6. Blow-dryers without an attachment is almost always a disaster.
Unless, of course, you plan on straightening it soon after. Or unless an Afro is exactly the look you were going for, then by all means, blow dry it!
7. Tangles.
If you have long curly hair, brushing your hair is a process. You often have to prioritize at least 10 minutes out of your daily morning routine just to brush your hair, regardless of how much leave-in conditioner you spray on it. Not to mention that by the time your done, your hair brush is full of hair. (Round curling brushes have also never been your best friend.)
8. You find hair, EVERYWHERE.
It almost haunts you wherever you go. You find hair in the shower drains, in the sink, on all of your hair ties and bobby pins, in your makeup bags, on the floor, and even on the walls! And when your friends find strands of your hair, they know exactly who to blame.
9. Listening to those who tell you "Why don't you just brush your hair when it is dry?"
People with straight hair everywhere, please listen to us when we say that someone with curly hair cannot simply brush their curls once its already dry in same way that someone who curled their hair with a curling iron or wand can brush out their curls. Brushing natural curls will result in this:
10. Listening to those with straight hair who tell you "Oh but I wish I had naturally curly hair! I guess we all want what we can't have."
This statement is one you have heard your entire life. Only people with naturally curly hair truly understand the extent of anger and frustration we feel when those with perfectly simple and straight hair tell us that they wish they had our hair. As if our continual and extensive hair routine and countless products and hair-care even SLIGHTLY compares to the same thing they go through with their hair. Please, do me a favor, and stop.
In conclusion...
In the end, we all must accept our God-given traits and although some of us may hate our hair, we must learn how to live with it and accept our natural beauty with the utmost of grace. After all, we are all gorgeous in our own ways and although curly hair requires a lot more time, effort, and product, it is a very unique and beautiful look that you should embrace and cherish everyday.