10 Things Only People From South Jersey Understand | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things Only People From South Jersey Understand

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10 Things Only People From South Jersey Understand
A Traveller Info

New Jersey is split into different Jerseys: North Jersey, South Jersey, and Central Jersey (which is highly debated). If you live in Atlantic County, Burlington County, Camden County, Cape May County, Cumberland County, Gloucester County, Ocean County, or Salem County, chances are you're from South Jersey. I grew up in Camden County and Burlington County, but I currently attend school in North Jersey. It's completely different up here - it's a different pace and style of living. Although I love going to school here, South Jersey will always be better than North Jersey.

Here are 10 things that only people from South Jersey get!

1. The city is Philly, not NYC.

When we say "the city", we mean the city of brotherly love. From cheesesteaks to soft pretzels, Philadelphia is our city. Although our sports teams aren't always the best, we always root for our Eagles, Phillies, Flyers, and 76ers.

2. It's pork roll, not Taylor Ham.

People from North Jersey tend to call this delicious breakfast meat "Taylor Ham," which is incorrect. This product was originally called "Taylor's Prepared Ham" after the creator John Taylor, but it didn't meet the legal requirements of being ham (who knew there were legal ham requirements?). It was then marketed as "Taylor's Pork Roll." Therefore, it should be called pork roll, not Taylor Ham. Get it together, North Jersey.

3. Spending summers at the shore

Whether you went to Seaside, Wildwood, LBI, Ocean City, Cape May, or Atlantic City, days spent at the shore were the best. Your family probably went to the same beach every summer since you were a kid, and you know all your favorite custard stands and pizza shops.

4. If you weren't headed to the shore, you know to stay off of the roads between Friday afternoon and Saturday morning during the summer.

Shore traffic is the worst. If you live off of major roads like Route 70, you are basically stuck at home, especially during Labor Day weekend and Memorial Day weekend.

5. There are multiple diners in your town.

Diners are a staple of South Jersey. There are probably 4-5 diners in your town and you know which one is best.

6. It's a hoagie, not a sub.

That's why they call it Hoagiefest, duh.

7. Wawa is the best.

From their coffee to their hoagies, Wawa always does it better. Give me a sizzli and a 20 oz. coffee!

8. You don't know how to pump your own gas.

Thank God for gas attendants. Taking road trips out of state is the worst because you have to pump your own gas.

9. People from out of state look at your funny when you say you want Italian ice or gelati.

Rita's isn't well known in other states. Most of their locations are in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Maryland.

10. You know why it's called the Garden State.

Whether you're driving down the AC Expressway or stopping at a farmer's market, South Jersey never fails to amaze you with its natural beauty.

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