1. It's hard.
Oh boy this job is so hard. From scheduling desk hours and night duties, to doing rounds at 2 am on a Friday night when you just want to be asleep, to planning the the perfect program, it all takes time, effort, and energy, all with keeping up in class, it can be exhausting.
2. Knocking on doors to invite residents to programs can actually be scary.
Because what if every single person says no, or slams the door in your face, or doesn't even answer when you know they are there. Okay, maybe not scary, but it is hard.
3. Programs are like your babies.
Some of them you have spent weeks planning, trying to get guest speakers, budgeting your money to get the perfect food, designing the coolest flyer, and maybe even making a giant poster.
4. Sometimes your babies get rejected.
And this sucks. No matter how hard you planned or knocked, you just can't get the numbers (or maybe anyone) to show up. Rejection is a thing in this job.
5. But then you have those residents that always have your back.
They almost always walk by desk when you are on, even if it's just to say hello, or sometimes maybe it's to give you a little snack. These residents are your go to gals (or guys). They love coming to your programs, even if they have to move their schedule around. They love talking with you at desk, even if it's only a for few minutes as they head to class. And they are one of the hardest goodbyes on move out day, but the happiest hello after break at move in day.
6. You get to connect to people in ways you wouldn't ever have thought of.
And you get to meet people you maybe never would have. Under one roof there are people from all over the world - different parts of Africa, Asia, even France, then within America, there are some from Connecticut, Maine, New York, Idaho, California, Washington, and so on. Then for those from Texas, you meet people from cities and towns within your home state that you didn't even know existed! It's all kinds of networking in your very own home!
7. This is one of the most rewarding jobs you will ever have.
You get to pour into people all while being creative and bringing programs to the hall that they asked for, wanted, and maybe without even realizing it, ones they needed. It's an opportunity to build up people, all while building yourself up to an even better person.
8. This job is so worth it.
It's worth the tears of exhaustion when you are up until 3 am working on floor decorations during training - ones that may be torn down. It's worth the late rounds and teaching moments when someone is there past visitation hours.It's worth the programs that don't get any attendance, because there will always be one that goes above and beyond, with so many people there, you almost don't have enough space! It's worth the relationships you form, the bonds created, it's worth it because there will always be one resident that hugs you goodbye and tells you "thank you for making such an impact on my life, you have changed me for the better." And as you hug her, you realize that she has changed you for the better too.
9. You get to follow in the footsteps of some amazing people (or maybe sometimes not so amazing).
You get to pick up where they left off, and do your dang best to do better. You get to see where they were heading, and start in that direction, but then you get to find your own direction, and take those people into the unknown world of you!
10. This is one of the best jobs you will ever have.
You get to be creative, but you also get to be mom-like, you get to be a leader, and you get to be a teacher. All the while, you are a student. This job allows you to put on so many different hats that is mind-boggling. But when you do it right, you get to be amazing.