Odyssey is an amazing forum filled with amazing people and being with them for an entire year has taught me a great deal of who I am as a person. These are just some of the few things I have learned.
1. Writers block is a bitch.
Every writer has had that frustrating moment in time when you just want to give up and keep your thoughts in your brain instead of one paper. But don't give up, because one day, your thoughts will flood out of you rapidly and beautiful things will happen.
2. It is important to put your voice out there!Â
There are all kinds of people in this world with extraordinary voices and thoughts that will keep you up at night. You could be that person for someone so write, even when it feels pointless.
3. Platforms make a difference...
Writing in journals is so much different than publishing your weekly thoughts. Every time someone clicks on your profile, they are meeting a small part of you but that's okay because that part resonates with them. So continue to publish your work because I assure you that someone needs it.
4. Writing is therapeutic and very much needed.
Sometimes I wouldn't write because I felt like it was a waste of time/energy but Odyssey forced me into doing it every week and I thank them for that because I never knew how much I just wanted to write.
5. Time management is crucial!Â
Writer's block doesn't always care about deadlines and neither does life. One day you could be doing amazing and having no trouble with writing and the next you could be drowning in problem so simply remember to take some time out of your week to dedicate to your work.
6. If you are passionate about something, make it a priority...
Writing is something I have always loved to do but because there were always a million things happening. However, when I joined Odyssey I took the responsibility of taking back my passions, it's been a hard uphill battle but its happening.
7. Communication is key to allowing for a team to work.
Every Odyssey community is filled with creators and your team counts on you to meet deadlines and submit articles. When you don't do that, they have to push their limit and that's not fair.
8. No matter how lost you feel, write...
I cannot stress this enough. I stopped writing for a while because there was so much going on that the last thing I wanted to hear was my own voice. I just wanted everything to stop but looking back, I realize I should have just spilled my feelings on the keyboard and let my thoughts speak for me.
9. Your voice doesn't always need to be political, sometimes it can be fun and bubbly.
When I first started I was always thinking of how I could write in an article talking about injustices or poems about struggles but over time I realized that part of my voice is political but another part of me is also goofy. That other part needs to let loose sometimes too and write about spooky baskets or date ideas.
10. Your voice matters.
Odyssey gives you a voice and the resources to spread your voice. Use it!
If you ever become an Odyssey creator, I hope you learn these things and much more!