In high school, everyone was stressed about getting into college. Now that you're in college, you are not stressed about finding a job. For many seniors in college, graduation is fast approaching whether we like it or not. We are about to face reality. Most recent college graduates don't like their first job and will probably find another one within a year or so. On that note, good luck and hope this list helps.
1. Don't limit your options.
You may think that there is a perfect job out for you and you have to find it right away. The job market is not always easy, so find something that can help you get where you want to go, and it might not always be your first choice.
2. Dressing inappropriately.
This shows many that you are in not interested in the job. The employer is also looking to see if you would make a good fit with the company, and first appearances are crucial.
3. Avoid answering a text or phone call in an interview.
You should never, ever do this. This is disrespectful and shows that you are not paying attention to the interviewer. Just turn your phone off when you go into a job interview.
4. Talking negativity about other jobs.
This can be a huge red flag to the employer you are currently interviewing with. You can talk about other jobs when asked, but give a statement that says there was a difference in work ethic or needed a change of pace.
5. Don't be uninformed about the company or job you are interviewing with.
Research the company and the job that you are interviewing with. That way, you know a little bit about it before you go into the interview.
6. Asking generic questions or none at all.
This is probably the most surprising, but make sure you ask questions that are specific to the job that your are interviewing for so the hirer can tell that you are actually interested.
7. Don't post stupid stuff on social media.
Surprise, surprise. Future employers look at your social media accounts. Anyone can find anything these days. When it comes to the internet, nothing is a secret. Make sure you don't post things that could potentially mess up your future jobs. Just double check your security settings on all your social media apps.
8. Make sure you email and voicemail are appropriate.
Remember when you created your email in middle school to Yeah, don't use that. Change it or make a new account that's your name or something professional. And make sure your voice mail recording isn't stupid either in case a future employer calls and you don't answer.
9. Showing up late for an interview.
This is a big clue for many employers and shows whether you want the job or not. Just make sure to leave plenty of time to get to the interview. Being a half hour early is better than being a half hour late.
10. Don't forget to send a follow up email.
This shows that you're an interested and is respect to thank them for their time. This is your last chance to slip in any other information that you were not able to tell the interviewer during your conversation.