I'll admit I was a little nervous about writing this article, but I was pretty curious to see what my family and friends thought was the most important for my future roommate to know. I asked people I love from all walks of life and those who I consider the people who know me the best.
So without further ado, below you'll find a few pieces of advice from 10 of my absolute favorite people.
1. "Be ready to see a lot of books throughout the year. Also, she's probably going to ask you to take part in photo shoots with her, but you'll get used to that."
Inès and I at the Musée D'Orsay
Inès is a friend I met during a high school exchange trip to Strasbourg, France. Even though she practically lives on the other side of the world, we have been able to keep in touch, and she always gives great advice.
2. "Be prepared to be invaded by a lot of books."
Juliette and me
Juliette was my best friend in high school, and now that she's studying abroad, I miss her dearly. But just because there's a six-hour time difference between us, that didn't mean that she wasn't still full of suggestions for my froomie. She basically emphasized the same thing as Inès. And she's not wrong: because I'm a lit major, I'm bound to fill every nook and cranny with school-required reads and leisurely paperbacks all at the same time.
3. "If she's in the room, you'll probably find her watching '80s and '90s rom-coms. And she'll probably add quotes from her favorite movies into most of your conversations."
Mom and I by the Eiffel Tower
This one's from my mom. How she knows me is pretty self-explanatory.
4. "Mady's really addicted to coffee."
Me and Rachel
Rachel is a girl I was so lucky to meet during my first semester at Miami. She is one of my best friends and is one of the most fun people I know. When I asked her what first came to mind about me, this is what she said. Which, I must admit, isn't an exaggeration.
5. "The squad will be around a whole lot, so hope you like us!"
Me and Binta
Binta is someone else I met at MU last year and is also one of the people I'm lucky to call my best friends. As a member of "the squad," she thought it was important for my roommate to know this.
6. "If you ignore her like I used to try to when we were kids, she'll literally sit on you until you promise to listen to whatever story she's trying to tell you. So... there's that."
Rowan and I
Rowan is more like a sister than a friend. We've been nearly inseparable since infancy, and despite going to different high schools and colleges, I know without a doubt that she will have my back. Before I go any further, I would just like to say that I only used to do that before the age of 5, when I was much bigger than Rowan and could more easily take her down in a scuffle.
But on a sweeter note, she also said, "Don't take Mady for granted. She is fun as hell, creative as hell, and loyal as hell. Let her be your best friend. Go out with her, talk with her, do fun projects with her. She will tell you what is on her mind, and wants to give you advice and know what is going on with you. She genuinely cares about you and wants to be your friend." I don't know if I'll live up to all that hype, but I'll do my best, future roomie! You can count on that!
7. "It takes her a while to wake up in the mornings, and she likes to nap a lot."
Me and Rachel, freshman roommates!
Guilty as charged: I am a pro napper! Rachel was my freshman roommate and probably knows better than most what it takes to live with me, though I'd like to think I wasn't all that much of a challenge.
8. "Mady loves The Cheesecake Factory and 'The Office,' so if she's ever sad and you're trying to cheer her up, just sit her in front of Netflix with a piece of oreo cheesecake and that'll make her feel better."
Zoha and Mady
My friend Zoha was a friend all throughout high school. She was a year ahead of me, so I always used to call her the cool soccer mom because she would always chauffeur us youngins' around. Chocolate is definitely another one of my vices, and my love for The Cheesecake Factory is definitely a new one, but a strong one nonetheless!
9. "She has a million great qualities, but all of them pale in comparison to how tan she will make you look standing next to her."
Rachel, Binta and I watching as Kane does...whatever Kanes do...
Kane is another friend from "the squad." He also said, "As someone who drinks her weight in coffee and has a mug for every occasion, Mady is someone people genuinely like to be around. However, she does have her negative qualities. Mady is somehow worse at Mario Kart than she is at driving in real life (which is also pretty bad), and she's a terrible liar: if she's trying to trick you or prank you, you'll be able to tell from her face whether or not she's telling the truth."
Yes, I'll admit it, I finish last in Mario Kart every time we play, and I'm not good at keeping a straight face, especially when "squad" has stolen Kane's phone and is trying to keep it hidden from him. By now they know better than to give it to me!
10. "She has lots of clothes and is always willing to share!"
Me and Keresa
Keresa, who is a friend and fellow RedHawk, thought my roommate ought to know this. It's true, I definitely overpacked for my first year at Miami which, though generally a hassle, came in handy when friends like Keresa needed to borrow something! And while I'll definitely avoid that same mistake this year, whatever clothes you need, future roomie, I'm happy to share!
To my new roommate, I'm so excited to spend my second year of school with you! I'll do my best to be the best roommate possible.