Obviously, there was a recent election for the new president of the United States. It all came down to who was going to win- Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton. For weeks and weeks it was all anyone could talk about. You would go to a coffee shop and someone would simply say, "What do you think about the election? Who are you voting for?"
Donald Trump won the election. He is our new President. And with absolutely no doubt, in came the constant talk about how he shouldn't have won or how great it was that he did win. Whether you are for him or not, I have a wake up call for ya'll- he is our new president. We should be thinking about the things to come rather than what had happened. There is no changing what has already happened. And no, no I will not talk to you about why YOU think he is great or why YOU think he isn't. I will not feed into this constant small talk that only makes my eyes roll back into a entirely new dimension.
Maybe with the amount of focus everyone has put into these last couple weeks on being so highly opinionated and constantly using their words to talk only about the election, maybe we could have cured cancer or simply solved the problem on world peace. There are so many more important things to worry about or focus your attention on. What is done is done. We can only make the best of the situation, or simply, make the best of your lives because I can guarantee that Donald Trump isn't going to call you on the phone or go anywhere near you. The constant fighting is getting out of hand. Here are 10 things more interesting than your opinion on Donald Trump: