We all waited enthusiastically while taking our last finals to be on our trek home. The season has treated me, and I'm positive about many others, very well -- both calorically and materialistically. Time spent with relatives is both un-circumventable and enjoyable. It has been a glorious holiday, and I wouldn't have traded it for the world. But as a college student, there are certain things about the entire higher education experience that just don't accompany that homey, holiday season atmosphere. I miss some of those things. These things are what make college college. They are the reason why going away to school is a blessing and a half.
1. My dorm.
My dorm has become a home away from home for me. From the gorgeous mold on the bathroom ceiling, all the way down to the leaky pipes, I can genuinely say I love my apartment at school. Like my roommates and myself, it has "character."
2. Roommates.
The four of us have developed a bond that is incomparable. Although we each do things very differently, we have all adapted to each other and are continuously there for one another, at all costs. We bicker, as any group of women may, but we truly do love each other, and it is weird not having them around me 24/7 while home from school.
3. The random people you don’t actually know, but constantly see.
Amen to these people. There are at least ten people at my school whose names I couldn’t tell you for the life of me, yet I manage to see them daily. Although we aren’t friends, or acquaintances for that matter, I miss you guys too. Holler.
4. The routine of things.
Anyone else feel like a bum all break? I know I sure did. Although I managed to work quite a bit (okay, a lot) just the idea of being able to go home and nap makes me so happily dysfunctional. At school, my routine is what keeps me going. The force of punctuality lingers over me, causing me to actually, you know, do stuff.
5. My walls.
Random, but at home I have one giant thing on my wall with my name on it. I miss the homogenous, stereotypical sorority girl wall near my bed, along with my hanging artwork. My walls at school define me.
6. Providing beneficial use to others with my presence.
Speaking of feeling like a bum -- when I’m at school, I have friends. I have people to see and talk to. These people actually provide a stimulating conversation back, which doesn’t usually happen in my hometown of Nothing Ville. I enjoy the company of my friends at school, and the accessibility for them to easily come knock on my door. It’s lit.
7. Having activities in which to engage.
Fortunately, I am a part of numerous organizations on campus, meaning there’s always something to do. Like many, I love me a good social gathering, one exceeding more than four people, but my positions allow me attendance to numerous campus-held events, too. I love having things to go to, hence why I strongly encourage getting involved! (PS: Sign up for Relay For Life. Great time. Great Cause.)
8. Freedom.
At home, the usual going-out conversation with my mom ends with, "Be home by 12." I don’t have a curfew, but I don’t think parents understand that when I'm at school, I leave at 12. The whole adapting back to parents' rules is really a tough task for me. I have adapted, and can’t wait to un-adapt when I get back on campus.
9. The Uber drivers.
These guys deserve a lot more recognition than they get. Ramapo has been a dead zone. It is in these guys’ hands to get my butt to and from off-campus gatherings in one piece. They have failed to disappoint thus far, and I look forward to more experiences with them. Not all heroes wear capes; some just have to have a driver's license.
10. My friends.
How can I not miss the people I started my freshman year with, and see myself ending my college career with? Although we all live fairly far from each other, when at school, there is no one I’d rather spend my time with. Fortunately, I’m usually able to see them on breaks as well. What’s better than a pal knocking on your door at 1 a.m. and it being completely acceptable?