10 Things I Miss About Growing Up In King Of Prussia
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10 Things I Miss About Growing Up In King Of Prussia

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10 Things I Miss About Growing Up In King Of Prussia

Ah good old KOP, a place that can lay a legitimate claim to being the shopping capital of the world, yet its inhabitants will still habitually complain that it’s boring. But while it may be going through drastic changes with construction 24/7, I will always call it home. Now with college graduation (Christ…) on the horizon, I started to think about how much I loved about growing up there, but also how I can no longer do the things that I loved based on these aforementioned changes. So with that said, here are 10 things in no particular order, I loved about growing up in King of Prussia that I can no longer do.

1. The McDonald’s on 202

Now while it may not have tasted any different, or was the cleanest than the rest (absolutely was not) looking back I miss it because well, a) it had a killer jungle-jim despite it being absolutely disgusting, and b) after seeing the revolving door of businesses that replaced it like The King of Prussia Diner, and Geno’s (RIP) it was nice having a long-term establishment being run there. Pick a business and stick with it. I need some stability in my town.

2. Pizza Hut

Remember the Pizza Hut around where Moe’s is? I like Pizza Hut. When was the last time you’ve seen a Pizza Hut?

3. Domino's Day in Elementary School

Yes, the good old days when nobody gave a rat’s ass about childhood obesity. Last Friday of the month? Domino’s Pizza for everyone at lunch. The average life span of these slices would be about eleven and a half seconds, but my what a glorious short span of time.

4. Saturdays at Walker Field

Nothing was better than waking up on a Saturday, and heading to Walker Field hours before your UMBA game and either playing wall ball, have a home run derby on the t ball field, or rotting your teeth to the core with slush puppies and Big League Chew from the tackhouse. Plus I miss when football was played at Walker too. What I wouldn’t give to go to another Bateman Day at Walker Field.

5. The Old Middle School

There was an exciting feeling the first day of 5th grade as I, along with my fellow Caley Cougars were about to begin our reign of terror that would continue on to this day. Not throwing shade at Candlebrook, Roberts, or Bridgeport, but there’s no denying that those wood chips at Caley breeds champions. I don’t make the rules I just have to follow them. Talk to me when you don’t have AC for four years. The school itself was just a labyrinth. Hidden staircases, two cafeterias (technically) and a shop department that was essentially underground. The new one is nice, but it just isn’t the same. Plus I miss those old baseball fields as well.

6. The Old Farm

You are an OG if you remember the old days when you had to go inside of Pertrucci’s in order to get your ice cream. A simpler time before the rooster was brutally vandalized. That bald guy was still there though. Local legend.

7. The Low Nets at Sweetbriar

If any town representatives are reading (I’d be flattered) please just bring these back. What good is being an average Joe if you can’t pretend the other is true by dunking on a seven-foot rim?

8. Viki from 6-Eleven

Yes, King of Prussia doesn’t have a 7-11. We have a 6-Eleven. Deal with it. But the Indian man Viki, who owned it, was a beast. Sure some hooligan kids would steal and prank call him, but those same kids pretty much paid his mortgage from coming in at least three times a day in the summer. I personally have no problem with the new ownership, but it isn’t the same.

9. Sledding at Valley Forge

Sure I almost gave myself a concussion from it, but there is no better sledding spot on this Earth than at Valley Forge. There’s always room since the area is massive, and you can get an education simply by being on a historical landmark. Learning can be fun.

10. The Old Mall

Now by “old mall” all I mean is how it was when I was a kid. I need the Thomas the Tank Engine (Day 1) store, and the Looney Toons store back, and the old Modell’s. Plus, it was cool feeling all smug during holiday season watching people look all lost in the mall while you know where you’re going. Shoobies. Now, I won’t go near the mall during the holidays. It’s like the Purge out there.

So yeah a lot has changed in my hometown since I was a kid. But you know what, I really can’t let it bother me too much, because if all goes well, I’ll be traveling and not spending too much time there. But still, there’s no place like home.

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