10 Things To Do In Menomonie Over The Summer | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things To Do In Menomonie Over The Summer

A Menomonites activity guide to summer.

10 Things To Do In Menomonie Over The Summer
Sam Kilgard

At the end of the school year, every UW- Stout student has been faced with a great decision to make: should I stay or should I go? Many students choose to flock back home for the summer and return when the school year picks back up, while others choose to stay and find out what Menomonie is really all about. Menomonie is filled with hidden gems, all you have to do is find them. To make that a little easier I’ve created a list for UW-Stout students and Menomonie residents to check out while relaxing this summer.

1. Red Cedar Tubing

You heard me, less than 10 minutes away at Irvington Campgrounds you can kayak or tube down the Red Cedar for $10. The ride includes a tube with a backrest, some rope to tie yourselves together and a ride back to your car. This is a fantastic spot to come on a hot day with friends, and yes, you can bring coolers.

2. The Devil's Punchbowl

It may sound cliché, but the punchbowl is simply gorgeous in the summer. With the walls spurting out a steady supply of water it sounds like a mild rain is constantly dripping down. It also stays naturally cool, which is always nice on a hot, summer day.

3. Trip Falls

If you’re tired of the punchbowl, you may want to pull over at the gravel pull off about halfway between UW-Stout and the punchbowl. Get out and follow the small path away from the Red Cedar. Trust me, you’ll want to see this. Trip falls is a small river that flows over a series of beautifully naturally occurring falls. It’s a beautiful place to take a small hike.

4. The Downsville Bottoms

This has been a favorite of Menomonites and UW-Stout students for years. You’ll have to enter 524th Street Downsville, Wisconsin into your maps and it’ll take you right there. After a mile-long gravel road, you’ll find an incredible river bed filled with rocky and sandy beaches. People love to swim and have campfires at this amazing spot.

5. The Abandoned Bridge

This is a little closer than the bottoms, located to the right of the dam as you’re coming into downtown Menomonie. This beautiful, abandoned bridge has been the spot for adventure seekers since it was decommissioned years ago. You can go beneath it and stare at the beauty of the Red Cedar flowing beneath the massive bridge, or you can attempt to walk on the bridge itself, though not recommended as it is also illegal.

6. Lake Menomin Nature Walk

Just to the right of the Waterfront Bar and Grill is the beginning of a beautiful nature walk that follows a small portion of the lake. If you walk far enough you’ll run into a small oasis where clear water meets the green of Lake Menomin. This spot is gorgeous as you are surrounded by trees, you also have a clear view of downtown Menomonie.

7. Music in Menomonie

Every Tuesday at 8 p.m. at Wilson park the Ludington guard band performs a number of different songs throughout the night and have been doing so for an astounding 128 consecutive years. Along with the band is an assortment of delicious goodies to purchase like pie, pop and popcorn. Feel free to bring your dog and relax on a Tuesday night.

8. Red Cedar Raceway

The raceway is located at 620 17th Street. They have races every Friday and tickets are regularly $13, and $10 if you’re a student or senior citizen. This is an amazing event filled with loud rumbling engines and hours of entertainment.

9. Hoffman Hills State Recreation Area

Enter 740th St., Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 into your maps. Once you turn onto 740th Street, you will have to go a little more than a mile down the road and the park entrance will be on your right. If you follow the correct paths they’ll take you to a 60-foot tall observation tower that allows you to look over the entire county. It’s truly stunning.

10. The Various Restaurant deals

Mondays: Dean and Sues $2 burgers and $4 specialty pitchers or Cancun’s $1-$3 margaritas.

Tuesdays: Silver Dollar’s BOGO burgers and $1.50 silo’s, Cancun’s $1-$3 margaritas or Water Front's $5 margarita pitchers.

Wednesdays: Wing’s at the Waterfront, five for $3.50 or the Silver Dollar also has a wing special.

Thursdays: $5 margherita pizza at Lucette's.

Fridays: All you can eat fish fry at the Log Jam, also $5 Fish Bowl’s at The Market

Whether you’re a Menomonie resident or a UW- Stout student, a motorhead or a nature lover, there’s something for everyone in this town. So get out, enjoy the sun and make sure not to miss out on some of these amazing hidden gems.

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