10 Things Every Marquette Freshman Should Do | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things Every Marquette Freshman Should Do

You only experience your first semester of college once, enjoy every second.

10 Things Every Marquette Freshman Should Do

Freshman year feels like yesterday. I remember move-in day and all the excitement, and it never seemed to end. Truth is it really doesn't have to end if you don't want it to. Marquette is an exciting place and there's plenty to do if you look for it. These are the 10 things that I think every Marquette freshman should experience during their first semester, based on my own experiences and regrets.

1. Get lost in Milwaukee

Milwaukee provides everything you find in a big city, without being overwhelming. The bus pass that you receive can be your best friend if you use it wisely. Grab a friend and go on a random bus and get lost in your new city. You’ll find new places and can share the remarkable area with others.

2. Go to the Square Dance

If you take one thing away from this article please let it be this. The Square Dance at Marquette is a weird tradition that makes everyone question their choice of school. You may show up, be confused, and ponder leaving, but as someone who has been through it, I beg you to stay. Through awkward dancing with strangers I met one of my best friends. He just happened to stumble into me and make fun of my dancing all night. At the slight chance of this happening to you, I say take a risk and stay. It will be a great story to tell your kids when they go off to college.

3. Attend most to all of your floor traditions

Making friends can be a scary thing, but the good news is that everyone is having the same struggle. Going to floor traditions and talking to people on your floor or wing is a great start to meeting new people. You live right next to each other, so you might as well get to know each other. Cobeen 8E for the win!

4. Participate in a club sport

The playoff game for my indoor soccer team was against a group of older, athletic club soccer players. We could have been playing the United States national team for all we knew. Even though we got crushed by the opponent, this game taught me a lot about what it means to be on a team. Plenty of losses, a couple of wins, a concussion, and two busted knees later our season was over, and I left with memories that will last me a life time.

How we think we played:

How we actually played:

5. Question your faith and what you stand for

Taking theology made me think about things that I never thought about before. When you’re a child people tell you things and force them upon you, and you just listen. Now you’re on your own and able to make opinions for yourself. Question everything and look for answers. The options are endless and the resources at Marquette are endless as well.

6. Find something your passionate about

O-fest is a great opportunity to do this. All clubs and activities are set up while students search for tables that catch their attention and sign up for more information. Whether it’s service, Quidditch, or a club about tea, there’s something at Marquette for everyone. You just have to find it.

7. Go to late-night events

These are FREE and FUN. Fun for free, sign me up! Whether it’s snow-tubing, ice-skating, movies, or something involving food, grab your roommate and go sign up. They’re unique experiences that break up school and sometimes get you off campus.

8. Go to a MU basketball game

There is nothing like being in the Marquette student section of a basketball game, where sitting is not allowed and crazy attire is encouraged. If you didn’t lose your voice, you weren’t going hard enough. Taking the mandatory picture with the eagle is also a must.

9. Volunteer

Service is a huge part of life at Marquette. Urban Connection is the first exposure you get to it at Marquette, and I urge you to do more. There are plenty of more opportunities if you enjoy it. Hunger Clean-up, Midnight Run, and Serve are a few of the options.

10. Do things you never thought you would

You’re in college, live it up! You have the freedom to do whatever. Go to a Bucks or Brewers game. Get up at five in the morning and run to see the sunrise on the lake. Spend a night in the library. Go to dinner with a stranger. Go to a concert at the Rave. These are the best years of your life, and this is only the beginning. Take advantage of it, and live with no regrets.

Good luck, and I'll see you on campus!

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