I think every girl has an idea of their "dream guy". Some girls prefer brown hair and brown eyes or blonde hair and blue eyes. Some girls are attracted to the country boy look, frat guy look or the bad boy look. But their seems to be certain traits for men that are are almost on every girl's list. So hey, if you're looking for a new fella and he has these traits...he might be the one for you.
1. He should be Godly
A man who has God in his heart will also hold you in his heart. Find a man who prays and has faith, and is not embarrassed by it. To me a relationship is nothing without God in the middle of it.
2. A family man
Look for a guy who is good with his family and also yours. Make sure he treats his parents with respect because that'll show how he will treat you. Also make sure he treats his momma well! Notice if he is good with kids and how he acts around his family.
3. A sense of humor
Who doesn't love a good sense of humor? It is a good thing if a guy acts a little silly as long as it's not all the time. This is especially a plus if you act silly too. It's not fun to be so serious all the time.
4. Compassion
Okay, this is a big one for me. I think all people should be compassionate, especially the guy you want to be with. Make sure he cares about others and not just about himself. If he can show compassion to random people that means he will definitely care for you.
5. Traditional
This trait is very important. Find a guy who will still open doors for you, come pick you up at your door for a date, is polite to your parents, and on occasion brings you flowers. Make sure this guy was raised well.
6. All around fun
You don't want a Debbie downer, do you? You want to find a guy with a fun personality, that is adventurous and is up to try almost anything. Find guy that you can introduce to your friends and he will have no problem fitting in.
7. Sense of style
This one isn't as important because ya know they say to focus on what's on the inside not the physical appearance. But the man you're with should always know how to dress, especially if you're going out on a date or something. He should also know how to shop and match his on clothes...his mom can't do it forever.
8. A Man
Lately, I have noticed that there is a major difference between a boy and a man, and as I get older it really makes a difference when it comes to relationships. I can go on and on about this trait but the main point is that a "Man" will stand up for himself and you, he will take responsibility for his actions and have respect for you. He won't act so immature in certain situations. He will plan out some dates and be more romantic about it. Sometimes you can even tell by their appearance.