Convicted rapist Brock Turner was released from jail after serving only half of his rather light sentence. He was charged with sexually assaulting an unconscious woman behind a dumpster. "A jury found Turner guilty of three felony counts: assault with intent to commit rape of an intoxicated or unconscious person, penetration of an intoxicated person and penetration of an unconscious person" (CNN). The district attorney asked for Turner to serve six years behind bars, but instead the judge assigned to the case, Judge Persky, dropped the sentence down to a measly six months. The former Stanford student was brought home to his family in Dayton, Ohio after only serving three months. He was released on 'good behavior' and is now mandated to complete three years of probation.
Here is a list of the things that were longer than Turner's jail time:
1. Forrest Gump's Cross-Country Run
"In the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, Forrest goes on a run one day and keeps running for 3 years, 2 months, 14 days, and 16 hours" (approximately 1,157 days).
2. Kanye West And Taylor Swift's Feud
The feud started back in 2009 when Kanye interrupted Taylor's acceptance speech at the VMA's. It's still going on today.
3. A Girl's Leg Hair In The Winter
Covered up by jeans and yoga pants, a girl's leg hair can grow so long that no one will ever know. Since they don't have to wear shorts or bathing suits, they can hide their all natural fur and not be ashamed if they feel too lazy to shave their legs.
4. Allergies
Seasonal allergies can last throughout the whole duration of what is considered spring, summer, and fall. The pollination of grass, trees, and flowers are what causes people to experience cold like symptoms such as sneezing, watery eyes, and coughing. And lets not forget about indoor allergies, which can possibly affect people all year long.
5. The Aging Of Parmesan Cheese
"A Parmesan style cheese needs to age for 9 to 12 months" before it is ready to be eaten.
6. Any of Carrie Bradshaw's Relationships
Carrie was in many relationships during her time on Sex In The City (none as long lasting and amazing as being with Mr. Big), but although her sex life on the show was prevalent, all encounters were consensual, since we all know that rape isn't an okay thing to do... right Bradshaw?
7. The Case Itself
Brock Turner committed the heinous crime in January 2015 and wasn't committed until 2016. The victim's life will be impacted for more than three months; her trauma will be with her forever from this horrific incident. Turner should be in jail just as long to try to make up for what he has done.
8. Piper Chapman's Jail Time
Chapman's sentence in the Netflix original show, Orange Is The New Black, is 15 months in jail for drug smuggling.
9. Venus ET Fleur Roses
These roses can last up to one year, but a convicted rapist was released from jail after three months. Is there something wrong with this picture? Hmmm.
10. Jail Time For Marijuana Possession
According to NORML, possession of any amount of Marijuana is punishable up to a minimum of one year with a fine of $1,000. MSNBC stated that, "at least 67 people are in prison right now, sentenced to die there for selling marijuana, according to the best available data." How is possession of marijuana more important than rape?