As the school year comes to a close and college students begin to clean and move out of their dorms, there's no doubting that some of the memories and good times experienced in those small dorm walls will be greatly missed. However, it's safe to say there's a handful of things us students won't be missing about the dorm life.
1. Having to Share a Bedroom
Sharing a tiny dorm can have its perks if both you and your roommate both get along, however it can also be disastrous if you don't. Regardless, it's obvious we would rather have our own room to sleep in and as it feels a little bit more personal and private.
2. Used Vinyl Mattresses
It has to be vinyl or otherwise countless students' sweat and nastiness would've seeped into the mattress. Yuck.
3. Communal Bathrooms
Everyone who has had to deal with these knows how bad, nasty and gross having to share a bathroom with all the males or females on the floor can be. How hard is it to flush a toilet?
4. Communal Showers
Always wear shower shoes, avoid scary, large spider-like clumps of hair, and NEVER touch the walls or shower curtain.
5. Door Slamming
6. Cooking Meals in a Microwave
It says, "stir once halfway through cooking" but if I don't stir it every 30 seconds it'll explode.
7. Trying Not to Wake Your Roommate
You can try to be as quiet as possible, but you'll still drop something or be louder than you think. Or forget to hold the door as it's closing.
8. Endless Noise
Living amongst hundreds of people, it's obviously going to get loud. Thankfully we won't miss the loud yells and your neighbor's crappy music.
9. Other People's Dirty Dishes and Garbage
Honestly how hard is it to wash your cup and bowl right away rather than leave it to sit and soak in plain view in the bathroom or the kitchen for seven hours? Or to throw away your garbage properly for once?
10. Still Having to Hide Alcohol Bottles
Even though drinking is expected in college, if you're not 21 you still better hide your alcohol from your RA's.