It's almost time to head back, hopefully we’ll all be able to fall back into our routines.
Take it easy on us.
Don't make all of our teachers assign lengthy essays or quizzes we aren't prepared for right off that bat.
Go ahead and keep the cold weather away!
No one has any extra motivation after the holidays, snow could be the thing that kills what little we do have.
Allow our prayers and wishes to be answered!
For weeks students have been hoping that textbooks won't be necessary for their classes, or that at the very least the books are on sparknotes. Just let us have that one….please.
Also make my classrooms close to the dorms and dining halls.
And while we're at it the parking lots too, can't forget about the upperclassmen.
Bring us A’s
Everyone can use a gpa boost and some encouragement!
&& Financial Miracles….
Right after all the gift giving and holiday shopping trips the broke college student is really feeling the lack of funds. Maybe you can do something about that..?
New Friends
I’d never turn down meeting those who were meant to be in my life. Strengthen up that support system to get us through.
Keep it interesting! Boredom just will not be accepted
Improvement opportunities
Allow well paying jobs, internships and all other things that will enhance our goals to find us!
Safety, health and happiness
and really that's all that matters!