Too often we find ourselves troubled over the words left unsaid rather than the ones that were. Whether it be during a fight with a friend or a lover, many times our pride gets in the way of simple phrases that could make the situation better. Below is a list of phrases that always bounce around in my head but never make it out of my mouth.
1. I love you
My temper and pride always get in the way of these words coming out of my mouth. If I am even the slightest bit upset with someone, I never want to give them the satisfaction of knowing that, despite how angry or upset I am, I still care for them. It may be the risk of sounding weak or desperate but these words will never be said by me until its too late.
2. Don't go
Stay. The hardest thing to ask of somebody. The vulnerability that becomes exposed from this question is scary. Our generation is not as willing to place themselves in risky situations where their heart could end up broken. We fear being called "desperate" or "clingy" and instead keep these words bottled up, because acting heartless is the new trend.
3. I appreciate you
Not a hard thing to say but something that frequently goes unsaid. I appreciate everything my family has done for me and yet I hardly ever tell them that.
4. I miss you
I love when people tell me they miss me because it makes me feel wanted. However, I never think to tell my friends or family that I miss them because I just figure that they know. Also, how mortifying is it to tell someone you missed them and not get it in return? Yeah, no thank you.
5. Thank you
Life gets busy and overwhelming and sometimes we just forget to sit down and count our blessings. Since it's November, we are more aware of this, but that's not always the case. I was raised in a greedy, self-centered generation. Saying thank you is often a second thought. It's sad, but it's true. I always find myself walking away realizing that the two words never actually left my mouth.
6. I need you
This is similar to a cry for help. While I am a full advocate of never placing your happiness in somebody else's control, I am also a full advocate of leaning on others for love and support. Regardless of this is directed to a best friend or a boyfriend, it is difficult to yearn for someone with the chance of getting rejected.
7. Shut up
I chose this phrase not for the casual way that everybody uses it but for a statement of boldness. Stick up for yourself. Don't let that mean girl or loser ex-boyfriend continue to push you around. They need you way more than you need them.
8. You were right
Admitting defeat takes a lot of courage. I will never tell someone they are right even when I know they are. Sure, I'll realize I'm wrong in the middle of an argument and stop talking, but I will never actually say "You're right, my bad." Why would I subject myself to embarrassment and a rude response of "obviously I'm right," when I can just stay quite and admit defeat silently?
9. But so was I
Don't shut yourself down so easily. If you were right, don't give in. There are always two sides to every argument and many times both parties are right in some way or another.
10. I'm sorry
These are probably the hardest words to say. The frequent theme in this list is pride, and it's not stopping here either. Pride will always come in the way of an apology and make it harder to ask for forgiveness. This does not make you cold-hearted it makes you human. If it means enough to you, swallow your pride, and spit the words out.