This is my 10th article for Odyssey. I feel like I am still crafting my first article every time I sit down to write. Granted, it's only my 10th article, but that still means I have been writing for 10 weeks now. That is two and a half months.
So, for those 10 weeks, here are 10 things writing for Odyssey has taught me.
1. Time Management
If I know I have a test and an article due on the same day, I will always plan my days out far more in advance and with care. I also have noticed I have become more aware of my days. If I know I have an article due, I plan for it days in advance.
2. Responsibility
This goes along heavily with the first. If you don't submit an article one week, that is on you to submit two the next week or whenever you can get the next one in. You have to make sure content is being pushed out for the readers!
3. Creativity
Odyssey gives creators so much freedom to write about what they want. This is so important and it has opened my eyes to a new level of creativity.
4. Productivity
It is good to be productive. When you push out a new article, you feel accomplished for the week. It feels good to get things done on time and Odyssey promotes this with their articles.
5. Perseverance
There is always going to be a time when you feel like you have nothing to write about. That is never true. There is something fun for everyone to write, you just have to keep looking. Find something new and exciting to cover.
6. Web Terms
There are lots of editing terms I have learned and internet grammar I was just not at all aware of before I started writing on Odyssey. Who knew articles have titles and then also a metadata title??? Not me!
7. People Love The Meme Articles
You will never go wrong with a good meme article. Just trust me on this one.
8. Take Pride in Your Work
The work you put out is for everyone to see. Make it something you are proud of and want to be associated with. This is so important.
9. You Can't Please Everyone
Not everyone is going to agree with something you write. There are so many opinions to have about so many subjects. Just know, with all the people out there who don't agree with you, there is at least one who does. You are never alone in your ideas.
10. Be Yourself
Have fun when you write! Make everything your own and unique to you. That is what this is all about.