Adulthood, something we all look forward to at the beginning, but slowly begin cursing by the end. The steady stream of life expenses and lessons begin, but will certainly begin preparing you for the rest of your life.
Like most, my first time living on my own was when I left for college at the age of 18. As much as I thought I was prepared to live on my own, there was a lot more I had to learn. Here are 10 things I learned living on my own for the first time.
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1. Your parents are no longer there to remind you to do your homework or study for that test.
Your professors won’t care if you don’t turn assignments in or pass those tests either.
2. You no longer have a human alarm clock to come in your room every five minutes until you’re up.
Be prepared to set multiple alarms to wake yourself up with hopes you won’t sleep through them.
3. You make your own curfew.
Just like dad told you, nothing good happens after midnight.
4. Home-cooked meals sound fun and healthy until you realize the time and effort it takes.
It probably won’t taste as good as your mom’s anyways.
5. Your laundry really won’t do itself like you hoped.
That pile of clothes is just going to keep growing until you do something about it.
6. Not all of your roommates have been raised like you.
No, they will not clean up after themselves, and yes, the dishes will probably sit there until you give in and do them.
7. Coffee will become one of your most expensive morning habits.
Starbucks and Bigby are no longer something you can afford on the daily.
8. Receiving mail is no longer money and birthday cards.
Now all you receive is bills and bank statements. Yay!
9. You should never go to the grocery store hungry.
All that food you bought is for one person, and will likely be bad by next week.
10. You’re too cheap to buy the good alcohol.
Burnett’s and boxed wine it is. It all tastes the same, right?
Living on your own teaches you responsibilities and life lessons. It may not be full of happiness and great times at all times, but it’s real. Welcome to adulthood.