1. Don't let HATERS bring you down. Instead prove them WRONG!
Haters are people who want to see you fail. Don't give them your attention, just smile and let your success talk for you. REMEMBER whoever is trying to bring you down is already below you.
2. The importance of being authentic.
Be yourself! Love yourself! Cherish yourself! People are going to love you and appreciate the real you. If they don't, then they don't deserve to have you in their lives. People don't appreciate fakeness. Being fake is not a respectable quality, being authentic is.
3. Life is going to suck sometimes, but it will eventually get better.
Things aren't always going to be perfect. You will feel like the odds are against your favors, but those are all just temporary feelings. Life doesn't always go as we plan, but that doesn't mean it can't get better. It may take time, but hang in there buddy!
4. We don't have to pretend to be happy all the time.
Our life's don't always have to be picture perfect. Breaking down is totally acceptable. You don't always have to be the strong one. Crying is never a sign of weakness. The right people in your life will help you get through anything. Not being okay is totally okay.
6. Being different should be a thing you are proud of.
Always embrace how different you are, but most important surround yourself with people who appreciate what makes you different. What makes your different makes you beautiful. Be brave enough to be yourself and never let your guard down.
7. Words HURT!
Everything you say makes a different. The power of words can break or make people. In the negative connotation, some words can literally destroy us and mostly when the person who says it means a lot. Yes, this is a free country and you are allowed to state your opinion, but that doesn't mean you need to be rude.