1. My best friend is MOST DEFINITELY my best friend.
From wiping away my tears, to holding my hair when I was, as we call it, "screaming in the toilet", to helping me pick out my outfits for date night, my crazy red head bff is the best. We have countless memories that I know one day will embarrassingly come out when she speaks at my wedding. It is crazy to think two years ago we met at my brother's football game and had never seen each other in our lives, and now I couldn't imagine life without her. She is there for my highs and lows and I could not thank her enough for all the love she gives me.
2. Ballin' on a budget is a real thing.
I never realized how much $20 meant to me until now. Many a time, I have pulled up my bank account and sadly seen about .32 cents or even better a negative overdrawn balance. I have driven with my car below empty for about a week because all ten dollars of what I had left was going to Dingus happy hour or El Jap.
Coming to good ole Statesboro a week earlier than all the other anxious freshman was nerve wrecking in itself. I moved in all my things in four hours, showered, then reported to my first rush meeting. This was probably a good thing because then my mom didn't have the opportunity to cry so much before she left. It was like ripping a band-aid off since it all transpired so fast. Walking into a huge building with hundreds and hundreds of beautiful girls was a bit intimidating in itself, but I didn't know any of them either which of course did not help in the least. Throughout the week, I talked to such amazing people and finally ran home to Phi Mu on bid day. The experience was one I will never forget and it brought me people in my life that I know will be there until the end.
4. Living in a shoe box sized room isn't half bad.
When I first walked in to the small, humble abode, it seemed very quaint. I didn't think it was that bad because it was my first step to semi-adulthood. This was the room that I was going to get to start my life journey on my own in. Even though I had no idea where any thing was for about the first week or so, always lost my T.V. remote, and had very obnoxious neighbors above me, it was its own kind of perfect. The musty smell of room 4201 is nostalgic almost in the sense that it has so many memories that I wish I could relive. The small dorm was my home away from home. I loved it.
5. God is faithful, so faithful.
He is always there. He is there when you are crying from stress. He is there when that boy broke your heart. He is there when you are smiling ear-to-ear when the person buys your frappe in front of you at Starbuck's. He is there ALWAYS. When in doubt, pick up the Word. It is as good as a phone call home.
6. Pregaming for a pregame for a darty is never a good idea...I swear.
You will actually die.
7. Say yes.
If anybody asks you to do absolutely anything at anytime, SAY YES! College is about those crazy 2 a.m. car rides. It is about the party that you had the time of your life at. It is about going to brunch in Savannah just for cute Instagram pics. Just go and have fun. You won't regret it.
8. Social media will always be there.
Look up. Yeah, I promise you can be jealous of her outfit, stalk that cute boy, or watch cute dog videos...LATER! Live your life away from the 21st century addiction for a little bit and experience what great things are happening in front of you.
9. Caffeine is a necessary addiction.
Diet Coke. Monday through Friday. At any time. It is exceptable.