It If there is one thing in life I am certain of it's that Friends is the best show ever to air on television. Even though the show came out in the 90's it is still relatable to people today. I enjoyed it as a child, watching with my family and as an adult I connect with the characters more. No matter how many times I have seen an episode I still laugh at all the jokes. Each character on the show has influenced me in many ways, but here are just a few of the many lessons I learned from watching it over the years.
1. Always be friendly to your neighbors.
2. Embrace your weirdness.
3. We all have a lobster out there.
There are soulmates in this world, but I'd rather find my lobster. Lobsters have one mate for life and according to Phoebe they never leave each
4. Don’t do stupid things alone.
If you're going to go to jail make sure you have someone there who will sit
5. Follow your dreams no matter who tells you that you won’t make it.
Everyone one of the characters in the show has there low points, where life just keeps knocking them down, but they never give up on what they want. Even when everyone tells you to stop, don't let them convince you to give up because you're passions are what make life exciting.
6. Make sure you’re actually on a break.
To whoever is in a relationship or not, let us all take a lesson from Ross's many mistakes in his relationships. Don't rush into a marriage, tell the person that you love them before it's too late and always make sure you know when you're broken up or not.
7. Your sibling can be your best friend.
You can pick your friends, but not your family so you might as well make the most out of the situation. Siblings are there for the awkward periods of your life and for all your most important moments. Don't let the fact that they are your
8. The best pick up line in history.
The next time you are out and blank on what to say, just follow Joey's advice. You can't guarantee it will work, but you will probably at least get a laugh out of the person.
9. When you say you’re fine, you’re not fine.
We've all had those moments where we've tried to play off what we're really feeling. Even though it seems easier to hide things to help others or yourself, the best route is to just tell the truth. Most people can tell
10. The people who are there at your lowest are the ones to keep around.
The most important thing I got from Friends is that when you find people that love you no matter what, don't push them away. They are the ones who will let you live with them when you run away from your wedding and support you when you lose your job. They are the ones who will always be there for you.