"It might be a crazy life, but it's our life." - Jon and Kate Plus 8
Deciding on a major can be difficult. I changed my mind about a million times, but at the end of the day I decided to focus my life on something I've always had a knack and a love for. Computers. As a computer science major, you go through many emotions, sometimes in an hour. Here are a few things those mood swings teach you.
1. Programming can completely suck.
WHO'S IDEA WAS IT TO WRITE PROGRAMS FROM SCRATCH?!?! Well, mine... I did sign up for this.
2. You will have no idea what the professor is talking about half the time.
3. But, people also have no idea what you're talking about.
Algorithms, importing the scanner class...your friends will probably hate hearing you talk about it.
4. You never sleep. Ever.
5. Everyone comes to you to fix their computers.
Please stop getting viruses, friends.
6. You didn't know anything about computers before coming to college.
I might have thought I was a child prodigy fixing computers at the age of three...I was wrong.
7. Your eyes will definitely hate you for how much you overstrain them.
I'm sorry eyeballs. I swear I love you.
8. You'll have moments of enlightenment where it will all make sense.
These moments will be very short lived, but wonderful just the same.
9. You understand all the computer science jokes.
10. But at the end of the day, programming is the best thing to ever happen to you.
It might suck every now and again, but I would not change my major for the world.