This week I asked my current and former band members what were some things they learned from being worship leaders. We talked it over and ranked them by importance. So here are 10 things I have learned as a worship leader:
10. Have Musical Knowledge.
This point is a given when it comes to being a worship leader. Know key signatures, chords of the songs, dynamics, notes, and how well the songs flow together. This common sense when it comes to leading worship.
"The bottom line is that a worship band is still a band; and a bad band is distracting" -John Bellerjeau
9. Always be prepared and be on time.
Almost every member I know has been late (including myself) and it's ok. Just remember to try to be on top of things and be on time. It's respectful to your band and everyone else. Your band is your team so don't let them down. You may not think your part in the team matters, but it wouldn't be the same without you.
Also, be nice to your sound guy. He's the real MVP.
"I have prayed that His glory be shown through my hands as I play. I would play like I've never played before- with all credit to God." - Zac Stewart
8. Know when it's time to step down.
We all know how it is when something gets tired or old. One important thing to realize as a worship leader is to know when it is time to step down, or even take a break from leading. Keep in mind that leading worship is not a job or a chore; it is a way you are giving back to God. If worship leading becomes that to you, know when it is time to step down or step back from leading for a while.
"Your heart has to be in the right place before you present yourself to God and the congregation; no matter how big or how small"- Zachary Sapp
7. You can't force people to worship.
I know how frustrating this can be. As worship leaders, we pray, create, and piece together a list of songs for every service. One thing I have had to learn is that we can not make people worship. Yes, we are there to lead the congregation in worship, but we can not make them worship. As frustrating as it might get, we are not up there for them.
6. Learn how to laugh and be flexible.
One thing that I have had to learn is that a worship set will almost never go perfectly. Your band members are going to play the wrong chord, play in the wrong key, break strings, sing the wrong lyrics, etc... We have had some crazy things happen to us as a band. We laugh about it now and learned to laugh about it then. Learning to laugh at our mistakes was what made it so fun.So learn to roll with last minute song changes, key changes, missing band members, and other crazy things that will happen.
"Everything doesn't always go as planned. Sometimes you have to make decisions on the spot to better a situation." -Taylor Rhodes
5. Be involved in the church outside of worship.
After each set, the band usually walks towards the back of the stage after they play and are never seen again. Don't be that band. Be involved with the church. Go to a service, say hello to people, develop relationships, and be personal. Don't be the worship leader that you only see on stage.
"One thing I want to work on is not being part of a 'green room' team. It is way more powerful to come onto stage from interacting and talking with church members than coming onto stage from the back". -Kelley Losinger
4. Invest in your spiritual life outside of the church.
Have your own personal quiet times, pray, read the bible... you get the picture. Don't just do "God Stuff" when you're at church. Along the lines of this, also live a life that will glorify God. Being in a leadership position requires you to act like a leader. You not only represent yourself, your beliefs, and the church; but you also represent God.
"I've learned that if I am going to lead people in worship that I, myself need to be engaged in worship with the Lord off the stage." - Jeremy Law
3. Be close with your band.
Be close with your band. Of course there are going to be disagreements, but at the end of the day the band is like your family (at least they are for me). I would do anything for my guys and I hope they would do the same for me. Our worship band has created this bond between the members that is like none other. So be open, honest, and personal with each other. Hang out outside of music stuff and have fun (we have a lot of fun). If you do that it will be one of the most memorable experiences.
"I've learned that leading with genuine worshippers beats anything. When you're with a group of people that are focused on the Lord; it doesn't get better than that." -Tyler Gentile
2. It's not about you.
One major hump that worship leaders have to learn is that worship leading is not about them. Remembering who we are up there for is one of the keys to becoming a great worship leader. So stay humble and remember whatever you are doing it is for Him and Him only. Don't lead for the wrong reasons or let it get to your head. It's not about you.
"There is no difference between me and the people in front of the stage. I'm not at a higher status than someone else because I have a mic and a guitar. I have learned worship isn't about me. It's about being able to humbly come before the Lord, deny ourselves, and worship Him." - Willison
1. Lead people in worship, but don't forget to worship.
Lastly, you are there to lead people in worship, but don't forget to take that opportunity to enjoy worshipping yourself. I think this is one of the most important things to remember as you lead. We all want the music to sound good, but that's not what it is all about. Use this time to worship God for yourself, as well as lead others. Don't get caught up in the perfection of the music. When you personally experience worship while leading others will too.
So use this time to be honest with God. Don't let the emotions of the stage or the spotlight make you feel like you have it all together. Everyone needs God's presence equally. You are on that stage for one purpose, and that is to worship Him with all your heart.
Thanks for reading and bearing with me on this long article. Always be inspiring.
Special thanks to Kelley, John, Jeremy, Tyler, Zachary, Zac, Willison, and Taylor for being the best band mates and helping me write this article.