WAM! Doink! Clunk! Sorry, that is the sound of my head realizing that all that talk about “personal growth in college” was not about my height. So, still standing 5’2” I will bitterly try to articulate some areas where I have learned so much about myself and the (real) personal growth that comes with that.
1.Be Weird and Embrace It!
At first, everyone in college was flying their freak flag at half-mast and I wondered if I was too much a clown for university life. Once I pulled mine up to the top and let my happiness radiate too, others started to wave theirs too!
2. Writing in Pen in NOT My Thing
So, I attempted the pen life only to find out, again, that the permanence and harshness of ink is not for me.
3. Spend Some Time Alone
I bought into this myth about myself that I need to be around people all the time. In college, however, I sit, walk, talk, sing, skip, hop, and, unfortunately, study alone!
4. Not Being the Best is What I Am Best At!
No, I haven’t been published and no, I have not started my Med school application and no, I did not get at least a B minus on my last exam. But, yes, college rocks and I know that I will get to where I need to go.
5. Being A Silent Protester is Not Ideal in College
Although passiveness is my game and I slay at staying out of tension, college means its time to grow a back bone and take control of my life. My next feat: tell the cashier at Starbucks that I didn’t order the kind of drink she made for me.
6. I Love Charleston, SC
‘Nuff said, this is the Holy City and it rocks my socks on a daily basis!
7.Not Everyone Gets Homesick
Secret: I may have told my mom I didn’t miss home at all the last time we spoke. I’m just too happy here to be sad about what I left behind (except my dogs, I really miss them).
8. Ramen Noodles Are Also Not My Thing
Late one night in the common area of Berry 232, I tried the epitome of college cuisine, the backbone of students nation-wide: Chicken flavored Ramen. Simply put, I was not impressed.
9. Asking For Help Is Not A Sign Of Weakness
Now that I understand that my questions are not a burden, but, rather a sign of potential, I am relieved and more open to doors of opportunity and knowledge.
10. Not Everyone Is On Your Team
Not everyone has to like me, talk to me or, even, know me. Everyone is just as busy as me moving their life along into the dark abyss we call future and they don’t have to have the time to stop and shoot hoops with me (that’s a metaphor, I stopped playing basketball in eighth grade).