Getting to move out of the dorms and into a house is great, but it’s not all fun and games. There are a lot of things you have to keep in mind. My roommates and I are learning some of these the hard way, so hopefully this list can save you from making the same mistakes.
1. You need to buy toilet paper.
Even though you bought some last week, somehow you will always be on the last roll.
2. Wi-Fi isn’t free.
Honestly, I had never felt so betrayed when I learned this. I thought buying a router was a one-time payment and you were free to use the internet forever after that. But apparently you need to pay for the router to work! Life isn't fair.
3. Air conditioning costs a lot of money.
Don't tell my roommates, but I am the culprit of turning the A/C off when no one is looking. Sorry guys, but you will thank me when our bill is not over $200.
4. Sometimes food catches on fire in the oven, so keep a close eye on it.
The fire department says this happens all the time, so it's not just us.
5. Parking spots are not guaranteed right outside your door.
But at least walking down the street is not as far as walking all the way home from the grocery store.
6. Grass needs to be cut.
So does anyone know how to operate a lawn mower?
7. My room is #15 on the fuse box, just in case the outlets go out again.
8. Not everything is dishwasher safe.
Or microwave safe. Or oven safe.
9. The dishwasher needs to be turned on if you want to come home to clean dishes.
I only forgot the one time.
10. You need a tool kit because you also need IKEA.
Good luck to you this semester in your first house!