In Gwinnett county, somewhere between Auburn, Lawrenceville and Buford there is a little, but growing town called Dacula. Though this town may not seem like much to the untrained eye, everyone who grew up here has a special bond. We all have definitely experienced some of the things that come with growing up in this little town. Here are just a few of the things you know if you’re from Dacula, Ga..
1. You've explained the pronunciation more times than you care to think about.
It's Duh-Cue-Luh. Doesn't seem that difficult, but we've heard Dracula, Dackula and everything in between. Even your family from out of town will probably never get it right. We're used to it.
2. You probably participated in a Dacula rec. sport at some point.
Whether it was cheerleading, baseball, softball or any other sport they offer, you probably did at least one.
3. You know that no matter where you go in town, you will always run into someone you know.
Publix, McDonalds or Chick-fil-A, it doesn't matter. You will see someone whether you want to or not. Even if you don't want to, you'll stop to talk for a minute or two, or twenty.
4. You know just how bad traffic can get.
This small town has traffic like you would not believe. It once took me 45 minutes to get from the Chick-fil-A to 316. It gets bad people.
5. If you aren't attending the Dacula/Mill Creek game, then you know to avoid town at all cost.
This game is taken very seriously and it produces a crowd you would not believe. If the game is a home game, the town will be nuts. If you aren't attending, then it's probably better to just stay in for the night.
6. You pretty much always give directions based on town landmarks.
You go left at the high school, straight past the park and turn left at Hebron. You know how it goes.
7. It was a miracle from heaven when we started getting all of the new restaurants.
Dacula is now the proud home of Chick-fil-A, McDonalds, Dunkin' Donuts, Taco Bell and many more. Our options are pretty much limitless.
8. Mexican food is the designated post-church food.
Whether you go to Del Rio, Fernandos or El Jinete (I personally go for Fernandos), this is the chosen food of the church crowd. At least it seems that way. If you do choose Mexican food, refer to number three, above.
9. You know even if you haven't seen someone in a while, you'll probably see them at the Memorial Day parade.
I think it's just an unspoken thing that everyone has to go to the parade. Honestly, most of the town has probably been in the parade at one point in time. This is just the perfect event to catch up on all the people we haven't seen in months.
10. You have seen tragedy strike and known what it is like for the town to come together.
This past year, Dacula High School had an abundance of tragedy. It shone a light on a number of issues and the town gathered together to push through the difficult times. We are one family, one Dacula.