Growing up in Lewis Center was full of experiences unique to the small city we call home. Here are 10 things you absolutely know to be true if you're from good ole Lewis Center, Ohio.
1. Going to Kroger is practically a school reunion: better look nice for a Kroger trip because there is no chance of not seeing someone you know.
2. Alum Creek was your go-to place in the summer as a kid. By the time you could actually drive there yourself you never wanted to go because you realized how disgusting it is.
3. Whether you could ice skate or not, you were at Friday night meltdown at the Chiller in seventh grade. Why freeze outside in the winter when you can freeze inside, while falling!
4. High School football games could rival those in the south. One word: drumline
5. You knew to expect the entire student section (and an hour wait before you get your food) at Steak 'n Shake after one of those high school games: slightly claustrophobic
6. No matter how much you try to explain that you go to the original Olentangy, you will still get asked if that is Orange or Liberty. What did i just say?!8. Even though no one really has any idea why, the number seven was once the funniest thing. How the least funniest thing in history spread like wildfire will always be a mystery to me.
9. I will never understand what is so hard to understand that Old State before Orange Road is 55 mph. It's literally posted on signs, why are you going 45?
10. You’re not truly a resident if you haven’t at least once called it the LC. "Ugh, why is there nothing to do in the LC?" "I don't know, want to go to Kroger?"