When your freshman year of college finally comes to a close, it might be a little unbelievable. You might start to wonder how it all happened so quickly and if you really learned anything at all. By move-out day there are a few things you will probably come to learn, these are some of them.
1. You’ll meet some unforgettable people
Some good, some not so good, but all of them unforgettable all the same. Certain people's personalities and actions will stick with you years down the road, even if you've only talked to them once. Some of these people you might even end up being a few of your best friends.
2. The year seriously flies by
In August you might not believe it, but it will pass by you in the blink of an eye. The days and weeks might seem to drag on, but the months and semesters won't wait for anyone to catch up.
3. You need to start moving out your stuff at least a week before
If you’re anything like me, you’ve accumulated more stuff than you started with and it just gets to be so much work to pack up and organize everything, nevermind transporting it to a car and back home.
4. Looking at your empty dorm can be kinda sad
The number of decorations and little things filling your room made it feel like home. Staring at the blank walls can be a little depressing.
5. The stress of finals week is real
Perhaps the only thing that can drive a college kid fully insane in a week or less. Papers, on top of papers, on top of final projects, presentations, and exams that make up most of your grade and last for two hours.
6. Saying goodbye is bittersweet
Leaving means saying goodbye to all the friends you’ve made in your dorm and around campus and some people aren’t fully ready to face that.
7. If your roommate’s boyfriend is coming over, offer to leave
Just trust me on this one. Even if it’s only for a couple hours. If you don't volunteer to leave, they might kick you out.
8. No matter what hour of the night it is, someone is awake
Wake up at three to get water? Someone is studying in the common area or stumbling in after a night of partying. College kids basically don’t have a set sleeping schedule.
9. The drama doesn’t stop in high school
Most people go to college thinking their peers will have grown up, but there is still just as much drama as there was in high school.
10. Nothing feels as good as your shower at home
Taking a hot shower without having to wear gross flip flops is well worth the potential sadness of moving off campus for the summer.