This is arguably the most important and controversial presidential election in modern American history. Therefore, now more than ever it is on every American citizen to go out and vote. Unfortunately, going out and voting is not always as easy and fair as it should be. Donald Trump has been instructing his supporters to go and check out other polling places, serving as intimidating watchdogs, which is technically illegal (see voter intimidation). So what can you do to make sure your vote counts, and that everything goes as smoothly as possible? I've compiled a handy list of tips for voting that address some common questions, and links to other sources that provide great information.
1. Do I Need To Bring ID? What Counts?
Not sure if you need to bring your ID with you? Not sure what counts as a valid ID? Never fear, is here to help:
For example, in my home state of Florida, a picture ID with your signature is required, or if you don't have that (because honestly has anyone ever seen an ID that has that?) you need a picture ID and an ID with your signature on it. So your driver's license plus your debit/credit card would work. Wait, what if you don't have a driver's license or a credit card? What then? There's still plenty of other forms of ID you can use: passport, student ID, military ID, retirement center ID, license to carry a concealed weapon, and more!
BUT if you don't have that, YOU CAN STILL VOTE. That's right, you can ask for a provisional ballot, cast your vote, and then your signature will be confirmed later by voting officials.
2. Wait, What's a Provisional Ballot?
A provisional ballot allows you to vote if there are questions about your eligibility, i.e. you didn't have the ID necessary to vote. You then get a provisional ballot receipt, as pictured above, that allows you to check whether your ballot was counted3. What Happens If My Name Isn't On the List?
4. Can I Leave Things Blank?
5. What If I Don't Know Where My Polling Place Is?
Guess what? You can google "where's my polling place" and it provides a nifty search tool that tells you exactly where it is!
6. What If I Don't Want To Go Vote By Myself?
Check your social media accounts, odds are there's a group or person near you who is already offering to escort people to the polls. But, if not, grab a friend/relative/stranger and go together! It's not weird, trust me. In fact Voting Buddies promotes it: What If I Need a Translator?
8. What If I Don't Know Who To Vote For?
Don't worry, there are non-partisan sites out there ready to help you.Presidential election:
Local elections: Check out your local newspaper (often available online), or use other sites to research your local officials. Facebook is now offering sample ballots that show you who is going to be on your ballot. There's no excuse for being uninformed!