1. Bagels. Bagels. Bagels.
No matter where you go, people are always going to try and tell you they have bagels. If you're outside of Jersey don't believe them. Don't trust their bacon, egg, and cheese and don't expect too much. There's a good chance you're just going to get a hunk of flat bread.
2. NO, We Do Not Pump Our Own Gas
It might sound crazy that up until this year I had no idea how to pump my own gas, but then I remember how nice and cozy I am inside my car when it's snowing and I need gas.
3. South Jersey is NOT the same as North Jersey
We share a state, not a lifestyle.
4. What is Central Jersey?
There is no such thing as Central Jersey. Bottom line it just doesn't exist.
5. Life is an exit
The Garden State Parkway will always be the best way to travel. It's easy because everyone lives at an exit, there's no long directions and no hassle.
6. There's only one way to drive: Fast
If you're driving in the slow lane on the highway, you're obviously not from the area. When you live in Jersey you learn a lesson very quickly; if you're driving slow, and polite you're never going to get anywhere. You have to cut people off, scream out the window, and speed down the back roads. The speed limit is just there as a guideline, it's not actually a law.
7. Dawg. Cawfee. Joisey.
No one speaks like they're in the mafia. We don't walk our dawgs while drinking our cawfee while talking a walk in New Joisey. And I promise you we do not have a rude tone to our voices. (Well okay maybe we do)
8. Jersey Shore Ruined Jersey
I'll admit, I was one of those people who binge-watched Jersey Shore and went to the shore store to take a picture. But in no way, does that MTV disaster shows the true meaning of the shore. That being said, we go down the shore, not to the beach.
9. We're miserable, Get Over It
If you leave the state, it's clear just how miserable we really are. People will hold the door, and say thank you, and it's suddenly the strangest thing in the world. When you leave Jersey you instantly have to learn what a smile is and how to be polite.
10. It's just Jersey
Half the time I forget there's even the New in front of Jersey, but I never forget that this is the state where I grew up and this is the state that made me who I am.
See Also: The 10 Most "New Jersey" Things Ever