10 Things I've Learned During Sophomore Year | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things I've Learned During Sophomore Year

It's been a year, to say the least.

10 Things I've Learned During Sophomore Year
Thought Catalog

Sophomore year has been an interesting ride. There are times when I just wanted to give up and hide in my bedroom for days at a time, but I couldn't. There were other times when I felt invincible, like I was on top of the world. For some people, they think a "sophomore slump" exists, and it might, but I'm just glad I survived this year.

1. Food will always be #1.

Sometimes, you’ve been studying for six hours straight. Or maybe, it’s just been a hell of a week. Or, you’re just…hungry. My point is that food is really a fool-proof way of making your day even the tiniest bit better, no matter what.

2. If you think you should’ve dropped that class, you probably should have.

Add/Drop Week really should be longer than a week. How am I supposed to know if I like a class during syllabus week, of all weeks? I like anything during syllabus week because there’s no homework or real stress. And, in my case, I stayed in a class that I probably should’ve dropped weeks ago. If you aren’t feeling a class at all, don’t waste time and money!

3. Not everyone wants to see you succeed, but that doesn’t mean that everyone’s out to get you either.

This is an important one. There are definitely people who don’t care about your goals or your day. The malicious people out there might even send you some bad vibes because they’re envious of what you’re capable of accomplishing. BUT, this obviously isn’t the case with everyone. There are still people who care, and who do want to see you achieve great things.

4. Cut your hair. It never hurts to try something new, and it’ll grow back if you don’t like it.

Well, I did this the summer before sophomore year — cutting my hair was a pretty cool idea. It was healthier by the fall. Obviously, you don't have to cut your hair if you don't want to! But, give it some consideration if you've been meaning to switch things up.

5. Stay true to who you are.

People are going to shit on you for liking certain things. Maybe it’s lame to them but interesting to you. So what if you’re a “hipster” that likes sunsets and museums? Keep liking it because at the end of the day, no one’s opinions are the same, nor are they really relevant to your hobbies or interests. Keep doing you.

6. Learning how to cook is a must.

I’ve said it before, but I never actually followed my own advice. In an article written in September, I briefly mentioned cooking. Little did I know that later on in the semester I’d be barely surviving (with less than $10 in my account) on Kraft Mac and Cheese almost every night. This semester I observed my new roommates actually cooking — working with Crock Pots, raw chicken, and other things that were almost foreign to me and this situation emphasized the point that no one can truly survive on pasta or junk food every night.

7. If you don’t try, you won’t get anywhere regardless.

I can name a great handful of times where I eagerly applied for a job or left an interview feeling like I had scored it…and only to realize that I was rejected a few weeks later. It happens. You’re not going to be the perfect fit for everyone, and that’s totally fine. What matters is that you tried, and that you continue trying, because you’ll always get what you want when you persevere. And, if you don't get the "prize" or whatever incentive or goal you were aiming for, there's always something better in store.

8. Be Sparse with Second Chances.

Second chances are great, but not always necessary when it comes to other people. That hot-and-cold person who, right when you think you’ve got them figured out, switches up on you again? Drop them. It'll just devolve into a pointless cat-and-mouse game. Second chances are for actual mistakes, not stagnant people and energies which are only messing with your head.

9. Kindness goes a long way.

It literally never hurts to compliment someone. I love complimenting people because if I like something, I’m gonna tell them.

10. Don't ever self-sabotage yourself.

Seriously. Don’t be the reason you don’t succeed. Going back to #7, this goes hand-in-hand with my previous point. There are many opportunities that I've missed out on the past because I either didn't think I was good enough to bother trying, or plain laziness got in the way. Don't wait until tomorrow to do something. Don't think that because you have doubts, that you automatically don't stand a chance. Don't let yourself become your biggest enemy.

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