At some point in life, it is inevitable that we will all face defining transitions: the first day of high school, heading off to college, graduating college, moving to an unknown city or entering into the workforce. Whatever your change may be, change is intimidating. It's the unknown that terrifies the entirety of the human race.
These transitions almost always bring out nerves and stress that you never knew existed within you. Almost all of us were told before we headed off to college our first year that it will be challenging, but we would meet our best friends and that it'll be the best time of our lives.
What were aren't told is that we would experience a mixture of highs and lows and a great deal of adversity. Those are the moments where we as college students, find out who we truly are.
Here are ten things that I have learned about myself throughout my three years of college thus far.
1. I want my alone time.
In college, you are constantly surrounded by other people. At first, it seems like the greatest thing because you're never alone–you'll always have someone to hang out with or do something with. News flash, that will change, fast. I am the type of person that gains energy from alone time - it helps me rejuvenate. My alone time in college usually consists of trips to the library to tackle some homework or to workout at Kosama. Alone time is crucial and keeps you sane.
2. I ultimately come before others.
Plain and simple. I have to do what's best for me rather than what's best for others. I don't need to be at the party every weekend so I don't feel left out. If I ever find myself needing to catch up on homework or studying, I may have to cancel plans with my friends. If I am unhappy with something, I have to separate myself from it even if it may not be the favorable option in others opinions. I am what matters and no, it's not selfish.
3. One good friend outweighs ten horrible friends
I always hear of girls bashing their so-called "best friends" and then the next day you see them closer than ever. I never want a friend like that, ever. I don't want worry that one of my friends is talking poorly about me. I value having one to two friends that are trustworthy, honest and that I can always count on rather than the girls who are nice to your face but stab you in the back five seconds later. That's not a friend and never will be.
4. I don't have to be like the other girls
I thank my parents for this one. They always taught me to be true to myself and be who I am. I'll tell you this, I am such a weirdo and totally proud. I'm quite low maintenance (unless there are clothes involved, then I'm high maintenance - I love clothes). I would rather stay in, read a book, watch movies or Netflix and order a pizza than go out. I'm not obnoxious and I definitely don't post on social media to try and bring attention to myself or gain gratification through comments or number of likes. Anymore I see girls post all these pictures of themselves and I can't help but wonder why we are becoming a self-obsessed society.
5. I can't please everyone, I never will
We all go through the phase where we want to make sure that people like us and that we don't do anything wrong. Stop that. I have realized the moment you stop worrying about pleasing others, the happier you'll be. Kanye West once said, "I'm going to do me, so if you like what I'm doing, good, if you don't, fast forward."
6. Setting up for my future is crucial
Some students come to college to have fun, but take it to the level where they find themselves on academic probation or even get kicked out of school. This year I have made it my goal to make sure that I take advantage of every opportunity that comes my way. By optimizing these opportunities, I will be able to learn and grow as a person and it will only benefit me with my future endeavors. Partying may be important to you, but being involved, earning good grades and working hard is what matters to me.
7. Getting out of my comfort zone was the greatest thing that happened to me.
I am a very quiet person when I am around people I don't know but I can be the most outgoing when I am around people I have established close relationships with. Let's just say I am awkward in most social situations. College has made me go out of my comfort zone by engaging with people I don't know or wouldn't normally talk to. I have also been provided with opportunities that challenge and test me. You will never be able to change yourself and see results if you don't push yourself outside of your zone.
8. Ask for help when you need it.
Seriously. If you are struggling with a concept in class, a homework assignment or just overall direction of your life - ASK! It's not weird or uncool. Your parents, friends, professors and classmates that are willing to help you!
9. My health is a priority, not an option.
My first year I battled with depression and I still have some bouts of anxiety which led me to gain weight. In high school I was incredibly active, ate very well and was in great shape. It happens in college, you'll gain weight or your body will change in some way or another. When I gained that weight I spent two years working my ass off by changing my diet and working out two to three times a day. I finally am back to where I am supposed to be and I feel great. Within that time I learned a lot about what is truly healthy for me and what isn't. I suggest everyone spends time researching and reading up on how they can make a healthier lifestyle for themselves. Your body is your temple - be kind to it because it's all you've got.
10. My parents have supported me with everything I do, and always will.
Whether you believe it or not, your parents have always had your best interest in mind. I can't even begin to tell you everything my parents have done for me and sacrificed to make sure I have been able to do what I want to do. One thing I appreciate them for the most is for giving me my freedom. They have never dictated what I do, what I want to spend the rest of my life doing or even what I involve myself in. They have let me learn at my own will and experience the trial and error aspect of college. I am incredibly thankful for the best support system while I continue to find myself during my time at college.