We all know that in college, there are the people who like to party and there are people who don't. There are some people who want to go out occasionally and some people who don't.
I'm one of those people. So here are 10 things I do instead of going out to party.
1. Homework
How lame, but when I think about it, I'd rather get my homework done on a Friday then continuously putting it off until last minute. I can honestly say, this didn't happen very often. What can I say? It's the weekend.
2. Play my roommate's Xbox
I mean, who DOESN'T want to shoot zombies?
3. Watch Netflix
Binge-watching "Friends," "That 70s Show," "The Walking Dead," "Saw," and so many awesome shows is one of my go-to ways of entertainment.
4. Reading
I can honestly tell you that I've read SO many books while my roommates were out partying. I love reading.
5. Have a party by yourself
I mean, who says you can't have a good time in your own space? (Note: This is for those over the age of 21.)
6. Go to bed early
I mean, sure staying out until 2 or 3 AM is fun, but getting a full night's rest is even better.
7. Invite a friend over
Not everyone you know likes to party. Inviting a friend over is a great way to have fun without going out.
8. Grab a bite to eat on or off campus
I mean, If your campus has food that's open, why not?
9. Find an event that is happening on campus
Honestly, campuses have things happening even during the weekend and at nights. I can't tell you how many movies, games of condom bingo, and other random events I went to/go to.
10. Other social media platforms
We all know that millennials love social media. Why not get caught up on everything your favorite celebs are up to?
If all else fails, go out to a party the next party your friends/roommate(s) go to. But just know, there are other FUN things to do, without partying.