I have spent so many years sleep deprive. Nothing can fix insomnia. There are so many people who don't understand it and try to give constant suggestions, like it is going to make a huge difference in your sleep schedule. My favorite is "wake up earlier"—no, I will still be up super late at night, I will just be more exhausted. If you have insomnia, it does not mean you're just not tired, it means you just can't sleep. Here are 10 things I do when I'm trying to fall asleep at night.
1. Read.
There are all these articles about reading and that it can help someone fall asleep, but unfortunately it's never made a difference for me.
2. Watch the news.
My usual news time is the time I'm trying to fall asleep. Yes, some of it can be pretty interesting, but for the most part it can be boring and make your eyes a little heavy.
3. Go to a search engine online and type in "how to fall asleep."
I have done this one so many times I cannot even count them. It tends to consist of breathing methods and relaxing your mind. Oh, if only it were that simple.
4. Count sheep, say the alphabet backwards, etc.
If there is an old wise tale about how to fall asleep we have tried it. New flash: They don't work.
5. Play games.
A crossword, Sudoku, and games you just happened to find in the app store. Personally, I don't usually play games on my phone so when I do they tend to exhaust me but they never help me fall asleep.
6. Go on Facebook.
Whenever I am having trouble falling asleep, I can make it back to 2010 on someone's timeline. I just scroll and scroll, and next thing I know I am reading about their problems from their senior year in high school.
7. Shower.
Showering is relaxing, but unfortunately every time I try this method I tend to wake up more than I originally anticipated.
8. Think about your problems.
I spend a lot of my time trying to sleep but getting distracted by what I might be doing this time in 10 years. It sounds ridiculous, but once it is in my head I can't quit thinking about it.
9. Melotonin.
My doctor has always told me Melotonin will help you sleep. Nope. Does not work. I've tried so many sleep medications and they do not make me the slightest bit more tired.
10. Try to fall asleep.
Of course the most important thing and most frequent thing someone with insomnia does is lay there and try to fall asleep. It usually results in hours of tossing and turning and not being able to fall asleep but still getting more and more exhausted by the minute.