10 Things That Are More Important Than Getting A Valentine This Year | The Odyssey Online
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10 Things That Are More Important Than Getting A Valentine This Year

For all the singles out there, don't sweat it. Focus on these things and we'll get through this together!

10 Things That Are More Important Than Getting A Valentine This Year

We’ve all got our own priorities…but for me, a relationship just isn’t one of them. If you’re in a relationship, that ‘s really great! I hope you have a valentines day for the books. However, if your single AF like me - not complaining though, I’m fine with it - don’t stress about the mushy lovey sh*t that you won’t participate in. Don’t worry about getting a valentine. Instead, think about these 10 things that are so much more fun than a box of chocolates.

1. Coachella tickets

(Or any kind of festival, not everyone has that much $$$ to drop) It’s Coachella, of course it’s more important than worrying about your single-ness...Is that a word? It is now.

2. A really cute one piece for this Spring Break/Summer (or for guys, maybe try the European trend this year? Yolo amiright?)

I’ve always wanted to try a one piece, and they’re so in now! No longer is the “grandma” stigmatism connected to wearing a one piece. So try it! I know I’m going to.

3. Getting fit and healthy!

Spring Break is coming up and it’s time to get that killer bod! But don’t do it just for the body, do it for your self-confidence! Working out has also been shown to make a person more positive and successful in life. 30 minutes on a treadmill could do so much more for you than you think!

4. Becoming a morning person

The most thing that the world’s most successful people have in common is that they all wake up extra early and make the most of their morning. So take the first step in becoming one of those people and wake up a little earlier! Take this time for yourself and relax before your day begins. This “me time” could help you in so many ways. Look it up.

5. Planning your next trip! (SPRANG BREAK)

Planning a trip is also proven to increase your positivity! Because it’s always nice to be able to look forward to something, no matter what that may be! Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to start the count down to spring break. So get your group of friends together and start planning!

6.Landing that dream internship! (If you’re a senior in college like me, this should probably be number 1)

Start focusing on what you need to do to get the job. Are you involved? If not, look into joining an organization in your college! If you don’t have any actual work experience, these organizations will come in handy.

7. Finding the best pizza, burritos, tacos and waffles in town (because when has a burrito or pizza ever disappointed you? Never, that’s when.)

This one may be contradictory since I put getting fit and healthy already, but an occasional slice (or box) of pizza is OK. Don’t let anyone tell you different.

8. Focusing on your education (Go get that 4.0 glen coco)

Getting the grades you want or need is SO much more important. You parents will thank you too (if they’re paying for your education) Not only will getting those A’s help your GPA, but also your confidence. Imagine, you could finally be one of those people who post on Facebook about how amazing their year has been and that they ended it with a 4.0. (the ones you make fun of because you didn’t get a 4.0)

9. Create a vision board

Visualization is one of the most powerful mind exercises you can do! Athletes have used visualization for years, including Olympic athletes! Your vision board should also focus on how you want to feel in life, not just the things you want. Put anything on your board that you want, but focus on things that inspire and motivate you!

10. Host a wine night with friends!

Having a wine night with JUST friends is something everyone should do, single or in a relationship. Balance is so important, whether that is balancing school and your social life, or time spent with your boyfriend/girlfriend and your friends.

So conclusion, instead of getting down on yourself for not having a valentine, start focusing on yourself! This year, if your single, you are your own valentine. Be selfish and enjoy it while you can. Go get the discounted chocolate the day after valentines day, a nice bottle of cheap wine and celebrate your single-ness. That's probably what I'll be doing.

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