1.) Walking out those doors for the last time is not easy.
You might think that you will walk out those doors on graduation and never look back. in reality, you're going to wish you had a few more days in the place you thought you hated for four years.
2.) I wish I took the time to get to know more of my class.
I had my core group of friends all of high school. However, coming home from my first year of college and seeing all of these familiar faces but feeling like strangers is an awful feeling.
3.) I actually do miss the teacher I hated.
Everyone has that one teacher that they could not stand in high school. Chances are you will have one in college too. But in college, not everyone will know that teacher and you will not make a huge group of friends bonding off that hatred.
4.) The food is not better in College.
Yes, there are more choices but the quality is not much better than the high school cafeteria. When you go home on breaks you're going to bring back containers full of home cooked meals.
5.) Dorm life sucks.
I was so excited to live on my own and have my own space. I guess I didn't realize what a dorm was really like. For incoming freshman most colleges offer standard doubles, triples and quads with a communal bathroom. Going from having your own room and a single bathroom to sharing everything is a big adjustment. Who knew not having to wear shoes in the shower and being able to watch Netflix without headphones was such a luxury?
6.) You WILL miss your parents.
If your plan is to go across the country to get away from them, THINK CAREFULLY. Going from seeing someone everyday to not is VERY hard. You will realize just how much they really did for you. You will count down the days till you and see them and Facetime or call them constantly.
7.) You will miss the sports you don't play anymore.
I played three sports in high school, Field Hockey, Swim and Track and Field. I continued with field hockey in college. As much as I complained about swim, I did miss my team in college. Even though I was not very good at track, It gave me the best group of friends and so many amazing memories.
8.) How Much I missed my bed.
First off, no matter how soft your mattress pad is, you will wake up sore. Extra long twin beds are nothing like your queen sized bed at home. Especially when you have someone sleeping next to you, It is not comfy.
9.) Dorm life is not one big sleep over.
Don't get me wrong you will spend most of your time with your friends having fun. However in between classes you will end up taking a nap alone in your room.
10.) High school was not as bad as I thought.
Yes, High school was full of good days and bad days. But being able to go home to your own space everyday, eat whatever you want and see your family was definitely something I took for granted.
To all of you who are about to walk across that stage and walk out those doors remember this. All those little things you do everyday, all the people you walk by in the hallway and all of the memories you've made during the past four years will be very hard to walk away from. Do not take any of it for granted. This chapter of your life is ending but another one is just beginning.