A Few Things I Realized I Can Do At Home During Quarantine | The Odyssey Online
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A Few Things I Realized I Can Do At Home During Quarantine

During this time, I didn't realize the things I can do!

A Few Things I Realized I Can Do At Home During Quarantine

I know what you're thinking. "How can you be very productive while your on lock down?" I thought I was going to lose my mind during this lock down. Yet, I realize that I can still do things other than eating and sleeping, even those are my favorite hobbies. I looked around my house, and I realize the things I can actually do to keep myself occupied. With this, I truly believe that the quarantine is will go very fast, and I also realized that I never have the time to do these things, because I'm very busy.

Every day I wake up, the first thing I do is take a shower. Now, I'm not saying that I don't do that everyday! But this time, I can actually be productive. I say my prayers in the shower, because at the end of the day, it is just me and God talking. I like to mediate and think about how I can be productive throughout the day. After I take a shower, I finish my hygiene routine by brushing my teeth. Not that I don't do that everyday, yet I have more time on my hands.

After my hygiene routine, I do my homework. As a college student, work is never done unless I get up, do it, and accomplish. I do my homework in these subjects: African American Humanities, Math for Liberal Arts, Writing for Mass Communication, and Writing for Social Media. I know its a lot, but I'm giving it my all. Since this is the final semester, I do my work when it's due, and I would do my work ahead of the due date. That;s the person I am. After that, it doesn't hurt to nap for 15-30 minutes.

After napping, I would continue doing continue doing my homework. Like I said, a college student's work is never done. After I do my homework, I plan to read my books, clean my bathroom, and of course write for the Odyssey! Yet, since this quarantine started, there's something that always blocks me from doing what I want to do.PROCRASTINATION!! Ever since this started, all I do is sleep and eat, instead of being proactive with my work. I don't know why, but it always takes over. Yet, I realized that I have more time for me.

Going through time, I created this list in my head. The things that need to be done around the house. The things I can do to enhance my writing skills. All of this needs to be done if I want to better myself as an adult. Procrastination is my biggest enemy, yet I was built to overcome it. I was built to overcome anything. And so are you. During this time of fear and panic, know that you are going to overcome. Overcome this time by doing what your suppose to do. Even the little things. It's tough, but you are tougher!!

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