It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
For anyone who has had the pleasure of living in one of the University of Kentucky's five-star dormitories, there are certain things that you quickly learn by living there. And for those of you who have never had the pleasure of staying in one of these dorms, know that it is an unforgettable experience. For better or worse, these things will certainly impact your day-to-day activity as a freshman. And more importantly, these things will prepare you for the rest of your college career here at UK.
1. K-Lot sucks. For those of us who were not fortunate enough to get a coveted R-Lot pass and were forced to park in the barren wasteland that is K-lot, you know the struggle. If the weather was nice it wasn’t so bad of a walk, but in the rain or snow it could be the most miserable trek of your life. Might as well forget ever going to the store and getting groceries, unless you want to spend an hour unloading your car and walking back to civilization. My heart weeps for those of you who walked it from north campus (insert Hunger Games finger salute)
2. Brushing your teeth/showering/going to the bathroom with strangers is awkward. Granted it does get easier throughout the year, but still kind of uncomfortable trying to make conversation with someone with a mouth full of toothpaste. Going home to the solace of your own private bathroom becomes a sacred experience.
3. Befriend your R.A., or at least try to. There’s nothing worse than an R.A. who has it out for you. Try to befriend them from the start, and they’ll be more apt to let certain things slide rather than writing you up and threatening to kick you out of the dorm… no comment.
4. There is always something to do/ someone to visit. After living in the dorms and moving into an apartment, I realized how nice it was freshman year when I would get back from classes and just be able to have so many friends to hang out with. As you move out and people go their separate ways, you realize how hard it is to get together.
5. Going to commons Saturday morning is a lot like a parade/family reunion. Not only do you get to meet up with all your friends that you somehow lost the night before but you also get to see a parade of girls in last night’s clothes eating pancakes, with hair and makeup still mostly intact.
6. Walking past the towers in the winter is like being in the Arctic tundra. You will experience no greater cold than this during your time on campus. Period.
7. The lobby dwellers can be an evil group of people. Yes there is such a thing as a lobby dweller, they are the people that are constantly in the lobby watching TV, playing video games, or talking to the RA’s. And yes, they see you standing outside of the glass door in 28 degree weather with arms full of groceries pleading with them to open the door because you can’t find your key. But will they let you in? NO!
8. The walls are thin. This in some cases can be really entertaining. You can catch up on the latest soap opera like roommate argument or learn all sorts of juicy gossip just by putting your ear up to the wall socket. The Dorms are like a small town of sorts, in that everyone knows everyone’s business, whether they like it or not.
9. “Last name and room number?” can become the hardest question to answer after a Saturday night spent out on State Street. Thankfully the walk back from frat lot will give you enough time to gather your composure and practice saying your last name and room number only about 50 times. Heaven help you if you have to check someone in on top of that.
10. Living in the dorms can be one of the best experiences in your college career. It’s a place where you can make lifelong friends and have the time of your life. Yes they are not the cleanest, and sometimes they do suck. But overall I wouldn’t trade my dorm experience for anything. Some of the best memories I have were made in that foul smelling, ill carpeted, concrete block. And I wouldn’t change that for the world.